Sex is seriously pointless?

Even in marriage, it's pointless to me. What people say: "Like omg me and my spouse have sex 3/4 times a week." Or "We have sex 3 times a day! Sex is very important, so we must do it to bond together!"

What I think: "Wow. -_- you people are dumb and brainwashed." Sex. Is. Beyond. Pointless. I feel like this evil world is sex-obsessed, and you people keep reproducing children into this world that is filled with nothing but sex! Because of you, children lose their virginity as young as 10! 10! Really though, don't tell me sex brings two people together emotionally. In fact, it's nasty with two nasty body parts bumping each other. I hate it when couples brag about their sex life. And if you already have kids, stop having sex, and make time for your kids and spend time with your kids instead of having sex, which truly is the most pointless thing in the universe! Please don't tell me I'm wrong, it's my opinion, and I honestly think that sex is nothing special at all.

No hate please, I'm an asexual virgin girl.


  • For you that may well be the case though for others there is that feeling of supreme closeness which sex between two people brings. I am not telling you you are wrong and as you say it is YOUR opinion which you are entitled to have. I not that you say sex is nothing special at yet you also state your a virgin so your statement is flawed in that you do not have the full and verified facts to hand having never experienced sex yourself. If you have been confronted by a scene of a sexual act which has offended you then I would think you may have to redress your views. Oh and to clarify one point YOU would NOT BE if it was not for your parents having sex. so there is it's usefulness in a nut shell

  • For some people, the key to a happy marriage is a good sex life. Some people have sex just because it feels good to them, not for the purpose of having babies. My sister, for instance. (This is gonna be TMI and gross for you, so beware.) My sister has been on birth control for however many years and had no plans to have a child anytime soon. Yet she still has sex with her boyfriend on an almost daily basis. She confessed to me once that she's never had an orgasm, but she likes the way sex makes her feel, so she still does it.

    It's all sexuality-- not like who you're attracted to, but your sex drive. You are asexual, so you feel no need to have sex. I'm demisexual, I only feel capable of having sex with someone I have an emotional attachment to, someone I trust. Some people are hypersexual, which means they have a very high sex drive and often feel the need to have sex.

    Not everyone feels the same way about sex that you do. You shouldn't try to put people down just because they like having sex. I know it's completely pointless to you, but that doesn't mean that it isn't important to other people.

  • I'm sexually fluid and during a major chunk of my life I defined myself as asexual. So I do understand the distaste for the act. I thought at one point that sex actually ruins a relationship and distracts people from more important things. However as I got older I realized that sex between people who love each other and want to please each other can be incredibly beautiful. Being in a monogamous relationship and learning your partner's body is novel. Its like painting a picture and with each decisive swipe you create a piece you know intimately. Sex CAN be pointless and meaningless but it can also be a wonderful, mentally and physically stimulative extravaganza. You shouldn't have such a jaded view of those who choose to engage in sex just because you choose you not to. :D

  • You are inflicting your views on others. It is you who needs to be tolerant. If you are asexual - fine! There are lots of other asexual people out there and lots of people who can't have sex due to certain medical conditions - thats fine. I just hope that you are really sure about your orientation and that you have had a physical and made sure it is not something like a low libido. At first sex can seem terrible but then it often becomes a great gift!

    But you are wrong to bash the rest of the world for liking sex. If you don't want people to talk about it around you - just tell them. But you are being the judgemental one.

  • Who are you to judge the lives of others??? Sex is a very intimate, emotionally bondding and pleasurable experience. It is an activity when yopu gan give and recieve pleasure at the same time. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else has to do the same!

  • See there is one distinguishable advantage to having gay sex. No children. Men can't reproduce with other men, so we gays can have all the sex we want. As long as it is done with safety. Perhaps you have what one might call Blue Balls because no girl or man will have sex with you. Try masturbating more if that is the case. Also you might be asexual and have no sexual attraction.

  • Well, if you're asexual, then you would find it pointless. But you are in the minority, and you're wrong.

    Nice rant though. Next time try a question.

  • Sex is the only way for humans to reproduce. Biologically life is designed only to survive.

  • Sex is about love to some people, not about people "bumping uglies" as you so eloquently put it. No point in complaining about it.

  • Like a drug, soon it will poison you.

    Then when you reach like 60 or 70, take another look at what you fcked - Then die.

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