How similar is Obama to Carter?

I don't remember much from the Carter admin because I was only in kindergarten back then. What were the reasons Carter was not reelected?


  • Both are very personable men, both seem to want to help the country, neither had/has a clue as to how to do just that and both had/have policies that do more harm than good.

    At least Carter now works with "Homes for Humanity", something I am sure would be far beneath the 'dignity' of Obama.

  • Obama is similar in that his policies are causing the economy to tank, he's different in that he has a huge chip on his shoulder, is an anti American racist, and much much more radical. Carter was an awful president but I believe a decent person, I can't say the same about Obama. He's a horrible president, and not a very good person. God bless.

  • carter was left a gift like obama was, a tanking economy, he delt with mid east problems and an oil shortage.

    he was a great Man with great plans, but the economy disintegrated within 6 months and was not his fault he inherrited it just like obama.

    many republicans and evangelicals voted for him but got mad that he was too liberal, i mean helping peope in need.

    i honestly hope obama can be half the man carter was, if so we have a true leader.

    the right wing gained power and has methods that they learned back then and still use today.

    remember the republican ditty son that said, "jimmy carter has a way of screwing up the usa" that was rumsfield all the way, carter spent his whole afterlife fighting for freedom, especially for voters rights.

    he fought tooth and nail for third world democracies,

    what does bush and rumsfield do now? NOTHING.

  • Carter was a lot more conservative than Obama. He didn't even attempt to instigate a fair progressive tax system.

  • Man every time we have a democratic president is carter's one term going to come back up? Thats the same crap that was said about clinton. You know his approval rating was in the 40s at this time.

    Reagan won because he was a celebrity, I mean a real celebrity, he was an actor like Swarzenagger. You know, Bush SR. was a one term too.

  • very but at least Carter is a genuinely nice guy

  • Both were/are naive and unprepared for the job as President of the United States.

  • Not very.

    But 26 years ago unemployment was higher than now.

    Not Carter.

    Two years into Reagan.

    So if it does not get better in 18 months, compare Obama to Reagan.

  • He has more in common with FDR

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