two negitive pregnancy tests!!! but no period!?
im 16 i havent had my period in 11 weeks in nausious and extremly tired even when i had a ful nights sleep i pee constantly and i have to eat like 6 times a day so i dont feel like im starving. im extremly bloated you think im pregnant i have taken two pregnancy test and both came up negitive but i still have all the feelings above! HELP! i dont know whats going on!!!
Update:it was protected sex
I am being serious.
When I was 18 I went through this, but I wasn't having sex. The doctor found a cyst on my ovary as big as a golf ball. He told me to take birth control for 6 months guess what it went away and walla my period arrived.
Seriously if you don't want to have children right now......stop having pregnant both times while on Birth ain't the miracle drug that the doctors want you to believe.
It might be many matters that could purpose your interval to be overdue. Stress being at the most sensible of the record. If you're fairly in need of to get pregnant you're frequently sressing your self out approximately it I recognise I did while I first obtained married I took no less than two being pregnant exams a month for no less than 6 months. LOL an excessive amount of strain will fairly screw up your cycle. Just attempt to meditate and destress a bit and possibilities are your interval will are available a couple of days or if no longer take yet another being pregnant experiment and notice what it says in per week or so.
If you were pregnant, it's still a bit too early to be that hungry, bloated, and need to pee that often.
Did you get the pregnancy tests at the doctor's office? Home tests aren't always accurate.
If you are athletic, it can slow down or stop your periods for a while. Needing to pee often, and feeling bloated could be symptoms of a urinary tract infection.
We can't tell you what is causing your symptoms... too many possibilities. You really need to see your doctor, to rule out or confirm pregancy, and to diagnose what's going on with you.
No period in 11 weeks and not pregnant?? Most women would seethe with envy how lucky you are!! Might be a good idea to take the brave step and have the doctor test you to determine what's going on here.
You very well may NOT be pregnant, but there MAY be another potentially serious condition that can best be treated if found early enough.
Well, I would say to go to the doctor to get tested just to be sure. since you're only 16 your period is still not regular. there might be times when you don't have it all and that is something to go to the doctor for anyway. Your probably stressed about being pregnant which can cause a late period and your body to have symptoms of pregnancy. go to the doctor and talk to your parents about this.
I had the same problem as you when i was pregnant with my 3 year old son i took three tests they all came out negative and i was 7 weeks late i went to the doctor and sure enough i was pg so home pregnancy tests aren't always accurate get your doctors opinion and maybe congrats to u
Stress can cause you to have a change in your cycle but at 11 weeks and no period I think it is time to call the doctor and find out what is going on.
Could be a growth spurt. YOu are still young. I know a growth spurt at 16 sounds funny but women dont stop growing till the are about 18 years old. and since you are sixteen you probably just started back to school. That can be stressful.
Going to your doctor and getting a blood test is the most accurate way to find out if you're pregnant. Quit wasting money on the home tests.
You should go see your doctor, it could just be stress. Take a blood test just to be sure though. I suggest you start taking birth control as well if you are only 16 and scared of getting pregnant!