IP address conflict?

Hello all. I have bought a NETGEAR router. I have a DSL network connection. I have configured my desktop through the router via cable. I have a laptop too. I use the Wi-FI of the laptop to access the router. The problem is when I turn the desktop first, and then the laptop, there is no IP address conflict, but when I turn the Laptop first and then the desktop, the desktop fails to access the net, and a messeg flasshes on the desktop saiying that IP address conflict. The comp could not access the router because the physical IP address is 12:6D:4C;XY (like this, this not actual IP address).....

I have reset settings and configured the router with the desktop many times, but the problem persists.

Could someone please tell me how to fix this problem?? Why is this happening??


Thank you all for your giving me your valuable time. You guys are genius....Finally I could manage to solve the problem with your guidance, that was haunting me for weeks.

To actully solve the problem, steve's, Blue's and Jdinvis's suggestions really helped me. They all came up with the same answer. And best thing is they all 'knew' what is the real problem in the first hit. They also guided me well on how to reach the TCP/IP setting thing.

Gabkawa was also very helpful. He made me 'understand' the problem. He explainded me very well that why this problem is happening in my comp.

ryaarth, thanks for your valuable info, but I checked my router mannual, and it says that it supports 200 comps in network.

Newton and Shhhhhh you too thanks for taking your time to answer my question. Thank you all guys.

I find stevezman's, blue's and jdinvis's answer helpful to actually solve the problem, but I can't choose all the three for best answer. So I put this on voting.


  • its probably a private address such as, if so it won't hurt to post it. Anywa either the laptop or the PC may have a static IP check control Panel > Network Connections > LAN Connections (for the PC, wireless for the laptop) then right click and go to properties then go to TCP/IP properties make sure both systems are set to automaticvally assigned

  • Go into your network adapter settings and make sure any and all your PC's are set to obtain their IP automatically. If you have a manually inputed IP address change the last number of the IP by about 15 either up or down between 2 - 254 and that should clear up your ip conflict.

  • when you have an IP address address conflict, that means that someone else is using your same IP address, there can only be IP address per computer, so you should call 1-800-geek squad, and ask them if they can resolve your problem. Also, go to your control panel. click and open network and internet connections, then open network connections. RIght click local area connection and click properties. In the General tab, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties. In the General tab, make sure it says "obtain an IP address automatically" if not the make sure your IP address begins with 10.10.1. I cannot tell you the last number because I don't know your computer systems number. Otherwise just call the geek squad.

  • The desktop probsably has the ip address set on it instead of getting it from the router. check the network for the ip config...

    the desktop lets say its set to a address

    and then the laptop is set to get the address automaticly....

    you start the desktop it has that adress already so it connects ok, the laptop has to get the address so it gets or something else.....

    now when the laptop starts first , it gets an address then you turn on the desktop which is set to the same there you have a conflict....

    check the TCP/IP settings for the desktop netowrk connection...im willing to bet its staticly set like that...

    PS could be third octet could be a 0

  • Make sure the DHCP scope is enough to allow more than one computer. (ie, - I know a number of routers that are set up to only allow one computer to connect by default. Why? Beats me. Strange how it's listing the ip address as HEX though, and looks like a mac address. Just a shot in the dark, but make sure the wired computer is plugged into an ethernet port, and not the uplink port. (Unlikely, but it's something that may produce a hex address)

  • Do you have a static IP setup on your desktop by any chance? It looks like the laptop is taking the IP address that your desktop was after.

    You say you have reconfigured your router with the desktop many times, but have you checked your laptop settings?

    Try either a dynamic IP on both machines OR a static IP on both machines, not a mixture of both.

  • Most likely you have a fixed IP address in your desktop. You have to set it to get the address automatically (DHCP). When you turn on the desktop first, the DHCP server in the Netgear router detects it and takes it out of the address pool. When you turn on the laptop, the DHCP server gives it the first available address from the pool.

    When you turn on the laptop first, the DHCP server gives it the first available address from the pool, the same you have fixed on the desktop. The DHCP server doesn't know because the desktop is off. When you turn on the desktop, it collides with the address assigned to the laptop.

  • go to the properties of the local area connection then go to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties.. then make sure that both the desktop and the laptop have different IP address, or to make it easier, choose "Obtain IP address automatically" and choose "Obtain DNS server address automatically".

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