My daughter ran away! No clues?

I called the cops and the cops and I are searching. I went to all her friends house and questioned them, but none of then have any idea...which isn't suprising because she is very secretive. Her bf doesn't even know...she left her phone, but left a note saying she just wants to get away an be free. So I know it isn't an amber alert....she sakis has no access to my only options are to search the I have for 2 days honest...what are the chances of me finding her...if it seems like she has been planning this for a while????


  • Get off this site and go find her. What are you doing? I wouldn't be asking this site I'd be going to find my missing daughter. Get up and go!

  • Why do I get the feeling that she met some older guy online and has gone off to meet him at some hotel?

    She's 14, the longer she's missing, the less likely it is that she will survive. At 14,she has no job which means she can't afford shelter, food, clothing, which means her survial time is extremely limtied

    If she met up with a guy, she's in even more danger, most rapists, rape they're victim, then pretty much kill them afterwards (not saying this is what for sure went down).

    One thing that I do find odd, is she left her phone. No teenager leaves home without a phone. You need to contact the police and file a missing person's report. After you've done that, you need to check out every motel/hotel in town, see if shes turned up. Also check all the hospitals, see if anyone matching her description has turned up.

  • It is strange that she has left her phone, she may not have wanted to receive calls/texts from you, but she would've wanted to hear from her bf and other friends. If she has been planning it for a while, and without her phone there is no way you can actually contact her as she has thought it all thoroughly through. If she has no money then that would be really concerning. As you have drawn a blank all you can do is let the police do their job, which they are good at and hope that they will find her soon. Good luck.

  • the chances of you finding her depends on many factors. for starters why did she run away? if its a serious reason like abuse then she might be scared to come home or try and reach u again but if its just her acting on the stress of a normal teenager (assuming she is a teen) then she is most likely to realise her mistake and come home. Also did she have money when she ran away? because lets be realistic how long can she stay alone if she has no money, she will have to return home. Please realise that shes probably really scared and angry for whatever reason that drove her away. If you can somehow show that you are not mad at her but just worried and willing to sit and talk then she might feel safe to return. tell all her friends that as she might get into contact with them and just incase she does has access to internet write on her facebook wall or email her. I wish you best of luck finding your daughter.

  • Have you or someone searched the history on your computer. It might give you some clues .

    Also go through the history on her cell phone also. Get the phone numbers of who she called and who called her. Have the cops get it from the phone company.

    Get it out on the media. And get it out to truck drivers and truck stops.

    She could have another phone. I can not see a teenager being without one. Did the b/f or close add a phone to his/her account?

    Did you check her locker at school for any clues? Talk to her teachers?

  • If she's in her teens, she's probably not too far. I HIGHLY doubt her bf doesn't know. Come on. He's covering for her.

    My suggestion is to call the bf, tell him you want to talk in person. That's it, no more details as to why. When u meet in person, ask him ur detailed questions face to face, sitting down. Whole different perspective when you do it that way. PLUS, you will know if he's lying. Ask him open ended questions that will cause him to dig into his memory for answers. If his eyes go upper right he's digging into his memory for a truthful account. If his eyes go upper left, he's digging into the creative side of his brain and therefore fabricating a story. If his eyes go down, its guilt.

    Body language: If he sits so that his shoulders are square to ur body, its showing honesty. If he faces you at his side or at an angle, its not. If he crosses his arms, or has objects in between you and him like a table, its defensive and dishonest. Touching his face often, switching seating positions often, and avoiding ur eyes = dishonesty.

    Try it. Soon.

  • Welcome to the club. I gone through the same thing with my daughter. Now you wait and hope that nothing bad happens to her. Have one suggestion. Get one of her friends, that you trust, to do the inquiring because you may be the reason she left therefore nobody is going to tell you anything. If you know her internet address write to her. Get her on missing children, they post it on-places that people frequent.

    As for you, your daughter left for a reason because your the dad does not mean that you are always right. Do some thinking on how you can become a better dad.

  • If she is under 18, call the cops. It IS an alert situation. Start searching, being here isn't helping find her.

  • You chances are good if she stayed in your town. Also if police anywhere make contact with her, she's listed in the National computer data base. 80% chance of finding her in 4-8 days.

  • well seeing as i've ran away 4 different times i came back within 4 days every time but it also depends on where you live how old she is and all that and im sorry to hear that

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