Assistant Manager at a restaurant?

I am applying for this assistant managers position at this high end Italian restaurant.

I graduated college in 2009 and I am sick and tired of waiting tables. The art career is pretty not going to happen, as I not realize that art is something you pursue after you have a stable career.

Anyway, assistant managing seems like the next logical career advancement for me. I have been studying hard for my interview on Wednesday. Trying to come up with the most analytical answers humanly possible, as I really want this career boost. I just turned 31 last week and I am really sick and tired of waiting tables, I almost feel like my investment was a waste of money, as going to an art school put me in the hole almost 100K :( I DID learn a lot, but to spend that much and be doing the same exact thing I was doing before college was sort of an unnecessary expense that I really couldn't afford... looking back..

Let me know what you think of some of my answers..


I have worked in the industry for over 12 years beginning in 1999 as a dishwasher at Black Bear Lodge and Saloon. From there it was a steady progression to salad chef, prep, line and broiler. Then I made a transition to FOH similarly progressing from hostessing, cocktailing, serving, bartending, bottles service and even banquets. I want to develop my career and this position is the next logical advancement.

In 2009 I earned a BFA from the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago which I completed in 3.2 years with honors.

I am meticulous, strong minded, creative and competent.


An honest, punctual, trustworthy leader that has comprehensive experience, academics and courage to take risks in order to gain personal and professional development.

These are just a few highlights I wanted to mention, what does anyone think?


*as I NOW realize that art is something you pursue after you have a stable career.


  • Of course no one goes into art school thinking it will lead to an art career. You went to art school to learn about your passion. Education in art isn't something you do to get a job- it's solely for personal fulfillment. There's nothing to feel bad about there.

    I think that you should prepare for the new STAR interview style. Make a list of challenges that you have encountered over the past 12 years.

    -Problems with customers

    -Problems with staff

    -Problems with supply, organization or business

    Then, practice rehearsing the story of how you addressed those problems and the result of your actions.

  • restaurant assistant manager

  • Hey, what you're going through isn't your fault. The recruiters lied to you to get you in to get the government money that you're entitled to. It was a scam by EDMC.

    Ai ripped you off just like they ripped the rest of us off. I'm sure the debt is hurting you.

    Email me, you're not alone. I set up a large support/action group against EDMC and Ai

    [email protected]

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