what do baby posssoms eat?

i found a baby possom who is lost from it's mom and i am trying to figure out what they eat.


  • My dad raised three baby opossums from when they were really little. I believe he treated them like kittens but kept them in semi darkness since they are nocturnal creatures. He usually just feed them old veggies and fruit, I just sent him a message to verify so I will edit my answer in a bit to let you know. He kept them until he was sure they would survive on their own an then he let them go. He also live in a wooded area so releasing them wasn't a problem.

  • Call the humane society, they should be able to give you some advice. You will probably have to feed it bottles of milk replacement formula and keep the baby possom very warm but call the humane society first, they usually have a wildlife department that can tell you everything you need to know. Good luck!

  • All the humane society can do is refer you to a wildlife rehab center. Take the baby to a wildlife rehab specialist so they can take care of it. Baby possoms (like all baby wildlife) need special care, and for the baby's health, you should definitely find a rehabber to take care of the little guy.

    Kudos to you for saving it!! Possums are great animals to have in the neighborhood. They clean up road kill, keep the mouse and rat population down, and they do not carry rabies.

  • do you mean opossum? If it is very young, milk. Call the animal/human shelter or a veterinarian for help.

  • baby possom food maybe?....

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