Do Grammar Nazi's annoy you?

They annoy me.

Attacking someones grammar doesn't make you reasonable, it just makes you plain rude.


  • Eh, it bugs me, but if I worried about it, I'd have grey hairs by now and I would of left... but I'm not allowing idiots push me away

    Cheers =)

  • *They annoy me is not a full sentence. What you should have said is:

    'They annoy me; attacking someone's grammar doesn't make you reasonable, it just makes you plain rude.'

    Not to mention that they are not attempting to be reasonable for you or to you, they are trying to help you improve your grammar (often confused with vocabulary way to much). As most of the people on the internet ought to know their basic grammar, you should just take the advice and improve your grammar rather than ***** about it when you don't even consider it.

    I'd personally much prefer something I can actually understand and read opposed to...

    sum1 tlkin 2me lyk dis wif abunch of spllin n grmar mistkaes and i cant unerstand a word dey type. n dnt evn get me stated on ppl who r lyk, 'lol! yolo!'.

    Grammatical errors are one step away from txt tlk, and txt tlk is one step away from yolo'ers, which both the latter and former result in both trolling to oblivion and you being posted and ridiculed on 4chan before it spreads to the rest of the interwebs.

  • Just wanted you all to know I'll be watching this conversation from a far and any violations will be reported >:)

    Nah I'm kidding, I'm just Russian :3 But Yeh I don't like people that attack your grammar, what makes them so righteous? No one's perfect neither I'm I

  • I take into account that some people have learning disabilities, but it is sad to hear teens and adults beginning sentences with glaringly bad grammar: "Me and my friend went to the mall." When you're eight, that style of syntax is accepted. After a certain age, it's sad. People don't realize that they're phrasing that awkward sentence, "Me went to the fair."

  • * Attacking someone's

    lol. Just kidding....but not really....

    I'm an English geek, and even though I never do it to others unless it's appropriate, some of my friends do it because they like to feel smarter than the masses. It's pretty stupid, but some people are like that.

  • It's not like it's the real world, it's only yahoo..and there's more important things to worry about than grammar.

  • No only grammar fascists annoy me.

  • No. Teaching other people grammar is not rude. It is decent courtesy and manners to educating stupid people. You should be thanking them...

  • It's not rude if your writing isn't up to par for someone intelligent to understand & they wish to help you improve yourself so you won't remain ignorant. :)

  • You put an apostrophe in "Nazi's" on purpose, didn't you.

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