Poll: A new Monday Poem Comments pretty please.?

Sept 14 Mon 2009


There is an empty space

In my heart

So many unanswered questions

Still ringing in my head

I feel so incomplete and so alone

For I never realized

How much I wish to have

Known you better

If I knew you were going to

Be this way

And take away everything

I ever possessed

Then I wouldn’t have given you

My heart in the first place

But it’s too late

I am trapped in the unforgiving


No one to show me

The light of day again

Oh how I wish to be free

From your iron grasp

And live my life as it should be lived

In peace and harmony

Let me at least have some happiness

So I won’t believe everything is hopeless

Forgetting you is the hardest thing

I ever had to do

Because your memories are everywhere I go

And every dream I dream

I see your face before me

Torturing me In the long hours of the night

I don’t want to hurt you

But please give me my life back

And I’ll be forever grateful

But I know it will never happen

Because I am your prisoner

And will be forevermore will be

Until you let me go free

So I guess this is goodbye

And never do come back

To me ever again.


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