How do I remove a dead roach?

I found a roach in my bathroom sink recently. It is dead and I'm terribly afraid to remove it. I have a strong phobia of roaches. I'm so afraid of it that I've been washing my hands and brushing my teeth in the kitchen sink. I only enter the bathroom if I really have to go, and shower while cramped up against the wall on the far side from the sink. I live alone so nobody is around to remove it for me.


Thank you for the responses. I've decided to live with it for now. I have a brother visiting in about a month and I'll have him remove it then.


  • Ask a neighbor or friend to get rid of it. I don't blame you at all.

  • see a behavioral therapist, you need help, you need to solve that for yourself.

    For a normal person they'd get a piece of toilet paper and pick up the bug and toss it in the toilet then flush and that's all there is to it.

    Just think about all the time you're wasting getting rid of that thing, all the worry, stress and stuff you're doing to your body. You don't need someone else to take the responsibility you need to take yourself. If you're by yourself then you "should be" mature about this. Remove the darned thing and mvoe on with life.

    See, you're doing this to you. When you get tired of this silliness you'll change. Until then, have fun.

  • To remove roach, wear gloves to pick it up and dump it in the bin. Otherwise, call someone to do something with it.

  • Are you fu*king kidding me??? Are you 4?????

    The way I do it is to smear maple syrup...YES...MAPLE.....on my butt...and then kinda squat over it. The dead ones AND the living ones seem to gravitate to the sweetness. Then a quick rinse off with the hose in the driveway...Problem GONE!!!!

  • Just pick it up....... Use a paper towel or something

  • Put on a pair of rubber gloves so you won't actually come into contact with it, get a piece of paper towel, and go pick it up. Take it to your outside trash bin. Then, take a deep breath and go pour yourself a celebratory drink!

  • You can get a bunched paper towel with gloves on (if you want) & grab the carcass with it. Then drop the body quickly into the toilet- flush it down quickly. I also don't like my bugs and this is how I get rid of them. You usually don't have to feel or see the bug as you carry it in the paper towel.

  • Put a cup over it and then slide a piece of cardboard under the cup to lift it out, so you won't have to look at it.

  • Just wad up some tissue and pick it up and throw it in the trash or flush it if you don't have too much paper. You can use tongs on the paper if you really have to.

  • Use a small piece of folded newspaper or a flyswatter to pick it up and put it in the trash can. If you have your own yard, pitch it into the yard. No biggie.

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