How do u hide anorexia?



  • Sweetie, please don't do this to yourself. If you do, please just don't starve yourself to death. Wear baggy clothes that don't cling to the skin, this will make it harder for people to see the definition of your legs and arms, so they cannot exactly tell how thin you are.

    It's good that you know you have anorexia. That's one step towards recovery. Do you want to get better is the next question you should ask. Consider joining a support group, talking to other people with the same experiences may help you.

  • sadly, you will be caught eventually. and forced into treatment.

    I was like you, i didn't want to listen to anyone and thought I knew it all.

    I tried to hide my weight loss under baggy clothes and I lied constantly about what I had eaten.

    But I was caught in the end and had to stay for months in hospital.

    So to avoid this, please talk to someone. Anorexia is a horrible illness and the further you get into it, the harder it is to get out. I've been suffering for years and years and I have all sorts of medical problems now including a weak heart which I have to take medication for and be very careful. Even doing these things, it could give out at any time and there is nothing I can. I did that to myself. And I have to live with that every day.

    I lost my friends, family, job, education because of anorexia. Not to mention so much of my hair.

    It is not glamorous and anorexia is not a way of living. It is a way to die.

    Seek help, please. I'm trying to help you from making the same mistake that I did x

  • Under large layers of clothes. (this does not work for summer, it'd be way too suspicious)

    -Like, Alot of sweaters, alot of pairs of leggings under jeans.. or just baggy clothes in general.

    If you get to the point where you look 'dead' (first, seek help) cuz anorexia can kill you.. but anyways, to make your face look more alive, use blush and foundation under the eyes and blush to make you look more 'alive'

  • Hide it with a healthy diet.

  • people like yoou make me sick

    what i would give to be able to gain some weight! and all you do is purposely make yourself look disgusting

    do you realise men don't like anorexic women? they like curves! otherwise it'd be like having sex with a bicycle or a pile of sticks.

    go eat a burger yea you ****

  • You can eat alot of food..

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