How do i make a prayer come true? Do prayers come true?

It is not a silly prayer like wanting the latest game or anything stupid like that. It is for my life and i am in bits at the moment, it isn't outrageous or impossible, it isn't anything stupid like make someone like me or something but it is do with things that have happened and i know i can't go back in time so i want to fix them but i want something back (not a person or item as such) it involves another person and in the long run people but i need god to help me. I heard that you can prayer but you can't control other people's actions, what you can do though is ask for it and that person may get a thought in their head but that is then up to them on what they do but it is to do with another person for me to be able to fix what i want to fix- In a way change someone's mind but to be able to give me the chance to move forward, to be able to get back on track, without this person changing their mind then i cannot do this. I cannot and i feel like i cannot fix my life.

This person isn't close to me or anything like this, infact i hardly know them.

I need help & i want to pray to god. I remember once many years ago when i prayed so much in this one minute, then it happened but that was many many years ago.

Please help if you can. If you don't believe, don't answer or you will just make me feel worse and i am not interested.

Also if god decides no, then how will i know? and why would he if it is something really important to me?


  • First - God loves you and will help you if you ask. It may not be in the way you think though. He knows us better than we do and knows if what we want is the best for us. I have found that in difficult situations rather than asking for Him to change things or fix things for me it is better to ask him to inspire me to know what to do. Often there are things we don't know or see that He does and if we put our faith in Him and seek his guidance a new way is opened that is far better than what we thought. It comes down to trusting in Him, asking him to help and seeing what thoughts come to mind and what feels like the right thing to do. May he bless you to find a solution to your problem.

  • First, you have to be one of His. A born again Christian. Then you must pray with a braking hart. You must have Faith that your prayer will be answered, and you must wait. While you are waiting, you must ask yourself what you are doing for the starving children. Last but not least. you must get all your answers from the Bible. The word of God. Read Mathew, mark, Luke and John. Not from a bunch of atheists and other hopeless cases. Hope that helps, because we care.

  • Prayer doesn't really do anything. You may believe it works, and if it makes you feel better go for it.

  • Starving children pray for food..

    Nuf said...


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