how do you dispute a credit report?

I am trying to clean up my credit, and I know that you can dispute a negative report, but I dont know who to do it through. Can anyone help me with this?


  • You can dispute credit reports, but not on line or by sending a short note telling them you don't agree with them. This will not work.

    The FCRA has guidelines as to how to dispute with the CRA's. You can download a file telling you exactly how to do this and get results. (this is usually what many firms charge a fee for) but this is the FTC and it is for free

    Download a pdf file regarding how to dispute with CRA's

    Follow the advice listed there, and you will see it is easy, only cost is postage and some time.

    Hope this answers your question.

  • First, contact the credit agency that generated the credit report with the disputed items. Often there is a way to start the dispute process right on their web site. Have them explain the that you want to dispute, and also have them give you the contact information for the companies involved (like your credit card company or loan company). Then contact the credit card company (or whoever) and ask for their evidence of the charges or whatever it is that is showing up incorrectly. You have to have your documentation in order, and you have to call and e-mail many times to get results. Be note down the dates that you spoke with someone and what his/her name and title is.

  • u can dispute something on ur credit in writing or online if you go to the 3 credit bureaus ... it amazes how much different one company can be from the with regards to ur credit report...i usually go online and do my disputes, they are investigated and you'll receive a written confirmation in the mail as to their findings and results

  • if you're on, they have an online dispute section, if you're on or they give you an address and a letter format for mailing in disputes. feel free to email me with questions

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