Do Christians realize...?

they're putting their faith in gospels written decades after Jesus' death, by non-eyewitnesses, 1500 miles away in Greek, and we still don't have a clue who wrote them? Specifically Mat, Mark, Luke, John. I don't get it. Why not be intellectually honest and say "I DON'T KNOW."


  • Matthew, Mark, Luke, John were all disciples of Jesus. They saw and heard Him. Go on in the N.T. a little farther and you'll find books written by Peter and James--also followers of Christ.

    Mark is the only gospel that the writer isn't fully known. They do know that he was an attendant of the apostle Peter and probably Mark himself.

    Matthew, Luke and John (called the beloved) were written by Matthew, Luke and John.

    Some were written soon afterward and some later on. Does it really matter? The bottom line, the main point, is the same and didn't change due to the date something is written. 9/11 happened almost 9 years ago. If you write about 9/11 today, does it mean that jets didn't crash into the World Trade Center? Does it mean that it happened in Chicago and not New York? Does it mean that about 300 were killed and not 3000? Nope.... Time doesn't change the bottom line truth.

    PS--It's Greece, not Greek. Greece is a country. Greek is a language.

  • 1500 miles away!? Obviously, you don't read the Bible. According to Luke 23:38, the superscription written over Jesus on the cross was in Greek, Latin and Hebrew. Therefore, the people existing at that time understood, spoke or wrote those languages, because why would they put it up in Greek if there was no one who could read it or speak it? It would be sort of useless, wouldn't it?

    Also, any historian can tell you that a document which dates within two hundred years of the ancient event is considered accurate. Dating methods are unable to date something precisely. You need to stop trusting men and start trusting God. The Bible is the Word of God, and it is true. Jesus died for the sins of the world.

  • God works in very mysterious ways but you will take this idea and use it to try to ridicule the fact of God. History speaks for itself but many men have simply failed to listen. In the bible it says that he who is without the Holy Spirit cannot understand the word of God. Those who rebuke God tend to loath in imperfections and take comfort in limitations. Ask yourself this. What as a whole experience on this planet do we feed our minds and promote? Is it hope, love, truth, faith, understanding, care, joy, happiness, growth, abundance, everlasting life, perfection, etc..? Not really. We have dove to the depths of immorality further than you can even acknowledge let alone admit.

  • We put our faith in God. We know who wrote The Bible.

    Do YOU realize that we do not care what you think? We don't. Your opinion means ZERO.

  • its called indoctrination. I was born christian and eventually became agnostic. But MORE people are born christian and REMAIN christian than the ones that don't. And the fact that doubt is the opposite of faith plays some role I guess...

    someday humanity will come to their senses...

  • do you know thats y they wrote it all done its like saying the constitution of independence is fake a no its not cause they wrote it done a piece of paper say they did it we dont have i witnesses cause it was like 3 decades ago

  • Because we do know a lot about them. Textual analysis.

  • Where is Greek? You sound very intellectual

  • --Why not be intellectually honest and say "I DON'T KNOW."--

    Easy cop-out answers that are comforting yet delusional are apparently a better route than intellectual honesty.

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