Do Liberals Use Petroleum Products?

Liberals hate anything oil and are sworn enemies of the petroleum industry. They don't care if jobs are lost and I suppose they also hate anyone who is in the oil business, at any level, from the roughneck to the oil executives.

Since liberals hate the people in this industry so much, do liberals not consume any petroleum products?


  • Soon everybody will know just how much petroleum is in our lives whether we like it or not. From what we eat to what we wear.An excellent book to read on this matter is "The Party is Over" by Richard Heinberg.

    The real problem is that we are running out of it (easily accessible, cheap stuff) and we have no viable substitute for it. Whether we like it or not we all, all of us are going to see our standard of living take a dive because of this. Ironically, the countries that never depended so much on it, the ones that never really industrialized are going to be the best prepared for this.

    Our future will look more like horse and buggy than flying cars.

    When petroleum runs out is not just going to run out for Prius driving, bike riding, walking, sailing, graden planting, wood burning, solar heating liberals.

    It's also going to run out for big truck, motor boating, four wheeling, snowmobiling, oil furnace heating, meat eating conservatives

    Who do you think is going to feel it worse?

  • Liberals don't oppose Petrochemicals. They do, however, support research for alternatives.

    Currently the technology is combustion. Interesting developments have been made in Switzerland to keep an aeroplane in the air for over 24hrs, which they plan to develop further and perhaps translate the technology across to land and water vessels. You might see a solar boat, train, car, bus in X years.

  • I don't hate oil... first off... it has many useful purposes...

    but, I don't love everything oil companies do and I do think excessive use could impact global warming...

    so, I do use oil products, but I try to limit the use when I can and use it in a responsible manner...

    thanks for playing though...

  • Man... when I asked this like a few weeks ago, the first 10 answerers were Liberals cussing me out. One even called me the c-word. LMAO. They HATE getting called out.

    EDIT: No WONDER Liberals are pro-"choice." They don't seem to realize KY is NOT a petroleum product which is why you can use it as a "personal lubricant." Using petroleum-based lubricant will cause the condom to break. Wonder how many abortions are caused by Vaseline use?

    FURTHER EDIT: Look how many of them think "petroleum" ONLY refers to petroleum jelly. Good God.

    @Francoise: What do you think your ENTIRE computer is made of? Swiss cheese? Any rugs or carpet you have in your house, your upholstered furniture, anything plastic... I could go on and on.

  • to Peace thru binding force I say, you are correct. No ethical liberal uses petroleum products. It seems though, there is no such thing as a ethical liberal.

  • No, They would not use anything that would harm the universe. But when they do it's for a good and honest reason.

  • In the greatest of ironies Conservatives truly don't believe in conserving anything.

  • I know several liberal guys who buy LOT of petroleum jelly. I've never asked them why they need so much, though...

    EDIT: That's sloppy seconds future, I beat you too the punch...

  • Yea pee wee herman was best known for his usage of petroleum jelly.

  • No ethical liberal uses energy.

    Each and every ethical liberal - without exception - is living as a hunter-gatherer. Every other liberal - without exception - is an amoral hypocritical pile of crap.

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