Malaria pills for Dominican Republic?

I'm flying to Dominican Republic, Punta Cana region, and I'm curious as to whether i need to take anti-malaria pills. My doctor explained that the region i am traveling to is a low risk malaria zone, but should take the pills as a precaution. But i know people who have been and have come back as fit as a fiddle. I have heard the side-effects of the malaria pills are pretty nasty so i don't want to take that risk if its not needed. Whats your opinion/advice?


  • NO.

    No need to take anti-malaria pills if you're going to Punta Cana. Punta Cana is a first class, vacation resort that caters to Europeans, Americans, Canadians and wealthy Latin Americans. If you're are planning on traveling to the border region with Haiti, then I would get shots and take other precautions as that area is more susceptible to diseases such as dengue.

  • I know that the region of Punta Cana had problems in the past with some people who drank water from a river near the Golden Jail Hotels, and they had some minor problems but not malaria! Anyway I prefer Puerto Plata, more to see and the new beaches are fantastic!! They do the world championship there so the beaches must be good and better than in Punta Cana

  • There are VERY few mosquitos in the DR since the geckos and anole lizards eat them all. I lived there a year and I only got two mosquito bites that I can remember. Malaria is mostly in very rural areas.

    I give bloods and malaria risk is one thing they screen for. They don't consider the DR to be a risky area.

  • well if it's a low risk section don't take the pills, because unless your going to be in a jungle, or where there are a significant amount of mosquitoes is not necessary to. especially since the side effects of the pills can ruin ur trip.

  • Definitively, this is not Africa ! You don´t need any pills or vaccinations to come on holiday on the beautiful north coast ( Puerto Plata). You will find good resorts with excellent food and service. From your question I suppose you are a very vunerable person, so don´t worry this country is nice to discover (tours) and there is no malaria.Enjoy and discover it!

  • This destination is not Africa, you don´t need anything unless your are ill.

  • This is not Africa. And please if you are ill (or carry any diseases), just visit your doctor before any traveling!!.

  • just take a flame thrower and destroy anything that wants to touch you

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