You need to queue?

I cannot believe some people, went to a local supermarket to fill my bike up this morning that has 18 pumps in operation.

well as I was pulling up to the station I could see some vans were queueing and pump two was free with people filling up on pump one and three so I got my bike onto pump two and started to fill up, I put in just less than 10 litres and went in and paid as I was walking out the second of the vans was on pump one. The look he gave me was I can only describe as pure hatred.

He starts shouting at me

Him: "You should learn to queue and that if he was not for the fact I need to go to work I would hit you off your (cannot put that word in here) bike".

Me: "Is it really that big a deal"

Him: "Yeah I look after disadvantaged children and have to get to work"

Me: Now thinking is this really a big deal "Whatever"

He then starts shouting at me as I ride off that I am a coward and if he sees me again he would put me in hospital.

Talk about completly over


Lilly - Why am I rude just because I could get into a spot he could not have gotten into?

Also if I was rude, what does that make him?

I didn't threaten to put him hospital and use abusive and vulgar language.

Update 3:

They have them in this layout so you have 18 pumps.








  • if he couldnt get his van in the space of pump 2 then y make other ppl wait that could get in, u were just right 2 do that

    BTW he sounds a total and utter ******** who shouldnt be workin with children if he has that attatude

  • I think you are getting a bit carried away with the 18 pumps malarkey. You can only get two vehicles ,one on each side of the double sided {three on each side} and if you say there ar 18 of those that would be 108 in all ,some big filling station that is

  • Its like if i can't use that pump then no one can until I'm gone. Unless he owns the petrol station he just needs to slow his row and quit the bitching. At the end of the day no one cares. He got his van full of petrol didn't he? You know I'm surprised he didn't try and run your bike down while trying to get to the pump, wouldn't have put ti past him.

  • Just forget about it, it's not that big of a deal. Some people have attitude problems and I'm sure you'll meet more people like this in your life.

  • What like petrol is worth fighting over? Oh yes, sorry I forgot about the Americans...

  • There are just too blind to see that there empty pumps! I would do the same thing!

  • Rude people who jump queues always think that others are out of order.

  • just ignore them - people like that are pure ignorant/

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