who is my babys daddy?

guys i really need some help here.

me and my hubby who we have 3 kids together split up 18months ago as we drifted apart.

i started a brief relationship april this year which lasted 7 weeks as i realized i still loved my hubby and wanted to be with him.

july 30th this year me and my hubby got back together.

ive noticed lately ive put a bit of weight on and put it down to having the depo shot until i started feeling pregnancy symptoms and ive developed a proper baby bump and last couple of days ive felt the baby moving around and kicking me.

no questions about it i am deffo pregnant even tho im getting negative results im guessing its to do with the depo shot.

im so confused to who's the father as my brief fling i was on the pill and i had two periods after that ended before i got back with my hubby and then i had to go on a long course of antibiotics so the doc gave me the depo shot and ive just had my 2nd shot so ive been on that 13 weeks. if the baby is my brief flings how *** i got two periods after but if its my hubbys wich ive been back together for 18 weeks and how *** i can feel my baby kicking.

im so confused so any help and answers would be appreciated.

thanks in advance........


  • This should be easy to sort out!

    You need to get your scan arranged so they can "date" the baby (by it's size). Once you have a due date you have a conception date when worked backwards.

    Go see your doctor/midwife ASAP.

  • You need to go to the doctor and find out if you're really pregnant. After that if you are you need to be honest with your husband about the possiblity of you caring another man's baby. You can do an amnio and get dna results that way. The sooner you know who the father is the better for everyone.

  • You need to go see a doctor & get a ultrasound done. At that point they can tell u exactly how far along you are & then u can figure out who the father is by adding up the days..just to be sure u can have a DNA test done!

  • have to have dna test to know

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