How do you write a screenplay?

I have good ideas for stories which i planned to write a novel on and maybe still will but some of them i see better as screenplays.

However I have no idea how a screenplay is laid out, do you know where I can get my hands on one, can you buy them or view them online?? I'd also like to see an example of a script so if you can help i would be very grateful!!

Thanks in advance



  • What you NEED to do before anything else is pick up the following books from your library or bookstore before you even begin writing.

    The Screenwriter's Bible by David Trottier.

    The Writer's Journey by Chris Voegler

    Story by Robert McKee

    The Bible will answer all of your formatting questions, as well as help you develop your story, and give you an idea of what happens next after you finish your script and prepare to sell it.

    The Writer's Journey helps you understand the necessary character arcs needed in every story, and gives you modern day examples from modern day film.

    Story is the premier text you will need, as it explains how to tell a story in a screenplay. Most writers have no clue how to tell a story in a screenplay, and therefore fail when they try to sell it.

    After you do your reading, then visit:

    Both are the largest sites on the net with screenplays available to read at your FREE leisure, so long as you have Acrobat Reader for most of the files. Reading an actual script always helps you get a feel for what is most important about the craft: HOW TO DO IT.

  • well i'm writing a tv series so i know a little bit about it okay don't write character or camera directions characters whole name each letter is capitalized in the middle of the line then under that your write your dialog but i do suggest either looking some more info on some screenplay websites and buying at least 3 books on screenplay writing to get see what several authors have on the subject and you can get some free scripts online to look at on theire websites on current tv shows that are currently airing you can get like the last few episodes like 10 aired and remember your script has to be perfect and very interesting

    ~~~Daddy's Baby Girl~~~

  • I have written many screenplays. I've attempted to write many more. Best written film in what way? Best dialogue? Princess Bride. Best story? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Best written? Silverado. Favorite Shakespeare play in what way? they're all great. I don't have any favorite one, but I have several that I don't care for. Don't particularly care for any Kaufman screenplay. People who do tend to be pretentious non-screenwriters who want to seem intellectual to others.

  • I would suggest looking on eBay, I'm sure you can buy a script and/or screenplay there.

  • Start with John Truby's book, The Anatomy of Story

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