does this yugioh trade seem fair?

my dark eruption, gyzarus, raiza, 3 caius and pengiun soldier


black rose dragon, power tool dragon and 35 dollars.


i didn't trade yet


  • If you do it, you're stupid.

    Get REAL JUNIOR, a pair of synchros and 35 dollars? Hell, Raiza by HIMSELF goes for about 20. And each of the Caius'.

    How about you get some common SENSE before you decide to trade off anything else.

  • look if you want an accurate way of telling how much is each card is go to ebay and search up the average prices of each card.

    ill give you a personal opinion on how much i value each card this is based on playability in this metagame

    dark eruption- 5-8$

    gyzarus-10- 14$ the guy who said gyzarus is worth 50$ is a moron dark strike fighter is that much there is no way in hell gyzarus racks up to 50 bucks let alone 1

    raiza- 8$

    3 caius- 5$ each so 15$ for the whole playset

    penguin soldier- 3$

    the offer is this

    black rose dragon-5$ from tin

    8$ from pack 9$ if ultimate

    13$ ghost rare

    power tool dragon- 14$ if ultra

    15$ if ultimate

    20$ ghost rare

    hmmmm now ask for the best thing in the trade throw ins to make it more even

  • Seem to be an advantage on their part

    *if the penguin soldier is holo, its out of print and would be able to get black rose alone

    *Gyzarus is also moving out of print as well as his use in the meta could easily fetch $50

    *3 Caius' is just too much. honestly, i wouldn't even trade for Power Tool at this point being that his booster is the newest and he is getting a tin next month

    It revolves around how lucky you could get with $35 and how badly you want/need it, but I'ld either ask for more money or hold off completely

    Hope this helps

  • Not the best trade you could have made, but in a way it does seem somewhat fair.

  • So thats will be fair if you have know the card price, check out the price on and use it for trade!

  • no way you should buy a tin insted you will get more cards and you can use your 35 bux

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