Contacts; Scary, or Easy?
I've worn glasses pretty much since I was five, and was wondering if contacts are better? The only problem with me, however, is the fact that I have no clue how to put them in/take them out and I think it looks super scary when other people do it. Is it really that horrible when it comes to putting them in/taking them out?
I've been wearing contacts for over 20 years (since I was abou t 10). It was pretty easy for me to get used to them. The hard contacts took a bit more adjustment than the soft contacts did but that was just a matter of starting out wearing them for an hour or so and increasing how long you wear them until you wear them all day.
Pros for hard lenses/cons for soft lenses
Soft lenses can dry out or tear (at least they used to be susceptible to tearing; I'm not sure if they still are since I've worn hard contacts for years now). You always have to check to make sure that soft contacts aren't inside out. (They taught me a simple test for that called the "taco test" and they'll probably teach you the same thing.) Most hard contacts can be rinsed with water if you need to do that occasionally, but you do need to use some contact lens fluid before putting it in your eye or it will be a bit uncomfortable. Soft contacts can't be rinsed with water. Hard contacts probably last a lot longer, so they're probably less expensive than soft ones. Hard lenses can be tinted bluish or grayish (I'm not talking about color contact lenses, mind you, just a tint) and this makes them easier to find if you drop one.
Pros for soft lenses/cons for hard lenses:
Soft lenses are much easier to adjust to and some find them ultimately more comfortable. Soft contacts need only saline solution for general concerns whereas hard contacts need contact lens solution which is probably more expensive.
General considerations for hard and soft lenses:
You'll need goggles if you want to swim while wearing your contacts with your eyes open, but that's not so bad. If you rub your eyes, it's not that hard to dislodge a contact and make it fall out; the hard ones might be a tad more susceptible to that. I've done that a few times, but I've never lost one that way.
Both, but overall easy. (Considering i spent a hour and a half the other night helping my dad find his contact that was stuck in his eye). Putting them in and taking them out is easy you don't really have to stick your eye or anything just carefully put the contact on the tip of your finger and place it in the middle of your eye, and be VERY careful not to crumble it up or let it get wrinkled. Anyways, the difficulty will ware off after you get use to them. Just use them and you will be fine. Lot's of people use them and they are all alive! Plus they look better than glasses. Good luck it's easy once you get the hang of it!!
They're easy to me, but some people have problems putting them in. Considering the fact that you're scared of it, before you spend a bunch of money on them, maybe you could get a trial pair from your eye doctor and some advice from him/her as to how to put them in. It's hard to explain over the internet, but I'll give it a shot.
You pick the contact up with the tip of your finger & balance it there (not hard). Make sure it's the right way (you'll know which way's the right way and your eye doc will tell you, also), open your eye wide -- some people find it helpful to pull down on the skin below their eye in order to widen their eye -- now, as you're putting it in, look up... which'll help you to not blink as you're placing the contact on your eye. Once it's on, blink a few times and it should be all set. Repeat for Eye #2.
Now as for whether they're better:
Pros: you don't have to deal with glasses slipping down your nose all day long if you're hot; no rain spots on your glasses; everyone can see your face and see you for who YOU are not who your glasses make you seem to be; and they're pretty easy to deal with.
But the cons: your eyes get blurry sometimes; they may be more expensive, depending on whether you have astigmatism or anything; you can't swim with your eyes open; by the end of the day your eyes may get sore; you have to remove them at night so you need a pair of glasses for night time (usually).
Good luck. I hope I helped!
It's very easy when you wear make up around your eyes because you aren't as afraid when putting it in your eye. Here is what I did before I got my contacts. I wash my hands and put my finger until it is close to the surface of the eye. I put on some masqara and when I put them in for the first time it wasn't scary. It's not scary it just takes a lot to get used to.
Easy, I need to get some new ones actually. The eye doctors will help you with anything you have concerns about. They will even show you how to put them in. It doesn't hurt, it's not horrible, and they are a lot less annoying than glasses. I would definitely go with soft contacts, i think they seem to "disappear" in your eye, as in you can't feel them at all.
I think its scary, but all my friends who have contacts say its really easy and its worth not having to fool with glasses.
As to putting them in and out, your dispensing optician will teach you how to do it. It only takes a little practice before it becomes very easy to do. So don't let a worry over not knowing how to do it keep you from doing it.
Stop by one of those eye glasses places at the mall (Lenscrafters, etc) or the Wal-Mart Vision Center and ask them to talk with you about contacts. You'll be surprised how easy it is.
They are easy I've had them for about 2 years now and I am only 13, they are so easy to put in and take out. And your eye doctor will probably tell you what kind is good for u
Easy. Super-easy. At first. I don't like to be a doom-sayer or anything, just thought I might point out that wearing contacts, especially extended-wear, can lead to dry-eye symptoms which can even become chronic (painful and stressful). How common is this? I don't really know, but you might ask your eye doctor about it when you go to get examined for your contacts. Just be informed. Overall, I'd say it's worth switching to contacts.
I wore glasses for over 6 years and was terrified of getting contacts but one day in college i decided to give them a try. after a few tries of putting them in and help from the eye dr., I got the hang and now its like putting your clothes on. Very simple. GIVE THEM A TRY! Good luck to u!
Don't worry! Contacts are very comfortable and not scary at all... You just need a little practice when putting them on, but if you're really scared you could always clip your finger nails shorter so the fear of poking your eye out will decrease... Trust me... I have contacts and I use to be scared of poking my eye out... If you had contacts, I think you would love them!