How does the umbilical cord dissconnect from the vagina?

I've always wondered this. After birth, does the rest of the umbilical cord that was left inside the mother eventually fall out??


  • The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta (which connects to the mother by attaching to the uterus). After birth the uterus expels the placenta.

  • the ubilical cord is attached to the placenta, which is a sac that the baby lives in during the pregnancy inside the mother, after the baby is born the placenta tears fromt he uterin wall and the mother "delivers" the placenta, which is atached to the umbilical cord, its just like delivering a baby with contractions and everything but it normally takes around 20-30 minutes

  • They cut it once the baby is delivered and after that, a short while later, the placenta is delivered which contains the other half of the already cut cord.

  • the umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the baby. when the baby is born they cut the cord then you "give birth" to the placenta

  • It's connected to the placenta, which is connected to the uterus. And yes, after the baby is born the placenta detaches and the whole thing comes out. It's what they call the "afterbirth"

  • You cut it

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