Atheists, do you wish a particular god existed?

flying spaghetti monster? yourself? Sauron? Aphrodite?


  • Yes. I wish my imaginary friend Bobby Lou was a god, so that Bobby could grant me all sorts of powers like the ability to read in the dark. Oh, Bobby Lou. How I love him so, my best friend ever.

  • Atheists know there are no such things as gods and would not want one!

    But they would like Christians to give up the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution to rediscover the idea of believing in a loving god and acting like it before they destroy Christianity completely!

  • Venus/Aphrodite would be acceptable if one HAD to exist for some reason.

    The Lady of Ephesus might be interesting as well.

  • Phillip. He's sort of a new version of Jehovah. Basically, he's omnipotent and loves us and doesn't have a history of genocide and torturing the faithful on a bet nor of kicking people out of... basically the entiretely of the Abrahamic mythos.

    I wish He existed. I wish this b/c then things would be peachy keeno.

    But they're not so he doesn't.

  • A particular God does exist. He is called Matt Damon.

  • None, they are all pointless.

    -If I had to absolutely choose though, I'd have to say... The universe being the god, it did indeed create us all over time, but I don't see it as a god.

  • I wish I was a god, but I would never wish for something that forced me to worship it.

  • Well sure, it would be nice if ther was agod to wipe our ***** for us. But the fact is we don't need it, and we can look back on all that we have accomplished, and say, we did that. Rather than

    Thank you baby Jesus!!!!

  • Yes a fair and just god. Definitely not the christian or muslim gods who only save their own kind.

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