Is america a corrupt country?

Okay so Im 17 and i grew up thinking that America was the "good guy." But now that Im older I've started making opinions of my own. And the more i research and the more i think about it. Im starting to think that we arent as good as everyone thinks. First off everyone says our troops are fighting for our freedom, dont get me wrong i respect them for their bravery. But we invaded iraq. You dont see Iraq invading us. We went there because we thought they had weapons of mass destruction. Which in 1990 i think it was we gave them weapons. Then it turned out they didnt have nukes and we were like "oh well they have chemical weapons." Once again they didnt have that. Yet we stayed there for a couple more years to "protect the citizens." Bullshit!

Now the same thing is happening with Iran, were saying they are building nukes which i believe is true. But Israel has nukes and they are neighbors with Iran. I think Iran has the right to build nukes ssince their biggest enemy has them. And what gives us the right to decide who does or doesnt have nukes. Afterall im pretty sure we are the only country to use them on another country (yes i know they were atomic and not nuclear). I think our government is corrupt and is just in it for the oil.

Oh and the patriot act goes completely against what our country was founded upon.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty

to purchase a little Temporary Safety,

deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. " Benjamin Frankllin, one of our founding Fathers.

Sorry i rambled on but let me know what you guys think.


A.P. Student: you say you can tell that i havent been to college. For being an AP student one would think that you would be a decent reader. The first line says, "Im 17...." Come on man it doesnt take a genius to figure out that i havent been to college....and you say im the ignorant one. Also speaking of calling me ignorant im actually quite the opposite of ignorant, i will admit that i dont know a vast amount about government but i also know much more than most people my age. And the whole reason that i posted this question was to get other peoples views and learn from them.

And another thing you have to be ignorant to believe our government isnt corrupt. Just lookup some of the laws that have been passed the last couple years; the national defense authorization act, patriot act (i know older than a couple years but it took away some of our rights), Sopa and the other i cant recall the name (thank god those didnt pass, only because multi million dollar companies protested,


  • I am pretty shocked seeing some of these answers. I can't even think of what to say to fools like these.

    I'll start by saying, in 9/11, Muslim terrorists were believed to be behind the attacks which led to the death of about 3,000 Americans. So America becomes all patriotic, and Muslims living there are fired, robbed, beaten up, discriminated against. I have family members who had to come and live with us because the discrimination they faced over there was getting out of hand.

    Anyway, so America settles for invasion. At least 800,000 Iraqi people are killed, and God knows how many Afghans. But that's not enough is it? Are Americans just NOT going to rest till all the Muslims in the whole world are killed? America has caused the deaths of so many people, yet all they can see is blinded rage. Muslims living in America are still being discriminated.

    Okay, enough about that. Now who gave AMERICA the right to say what can or cannot happen in the rest of the world? USA is neither the ruler of the world, nor Allah. Maybe Afghanistan is corrupt. Maybe the Iranian nuclear thing is true. But that doesn't change the fact that America still has no right to tell them what they can or cannot do. It's just another corrupt country who wants to steal from other countries because its just so damn power-hungry, but frankly should just focus on how to improve its economy, instead of trying to get involved in everything.

    And Rocket1234, that line you wrote about America wanting oil, that actually put a smile on my face. At the age of only 17, I have to agree, you really do know a lot about the world around you and it's great that you're already thinking independently. I hope you grow up to be a brilliant individual and that people like AP Student do not discourage you. If only everyone else was not as utterly ignorant.

  • yes did you know the leader of Iran said Nukes were a sin and never wants to be near one but america did not cover it while if he said he liked nukes you would have seen everyone freaking out in america.

  • Where do I start.....Yes, the laws that have been passed recently are in VIOLATION of the US Constitution, especially NDAA, which got passed by ignoring the entire amendment process. There isn't one country that is not corrupt, but there are also many levels of corruption and more stable, "friendly" countries than others. Iran is NOT one of these and they never have been.

    The trouble started in 1979 with the Iranian Revolution and the exile of the Shah of Iran, who was an ally to the US. Enter the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his THEOCRACY, a political structure controlled by religion; in this case Islam. This was/is controlled by Shariah Law, in which adultery is still punishable by stoning a person to death (especially women). After the Shah is exiled from Iran, the US STOPS funding of Iran's nuclear program in TEHRAN and Russia takes over funding.

    Khomeini once referred to the US as "the great Satan" and wanted Israel "wiped off the face of the map".

    Then comes the Iranian Hostage Crisis, where Iranian students take over the US embassy taking hostages, many of them Americans for 425 days. It is not until RONALD REAGAN is sworn in and TWENTY MINUTES after Khomeini decides to let them go. Why? Because Reagan did not negotiate with terrorists unlike Carter tried to.

    Iran is the LARGEST SUPPORTER and FINANCIER of TERRORISM in the WORLD. If you don't believe me there are ton of sources on this pick an agency (FBI, UN, INTERPOL, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, US DEPT. OF STATE, MI:5) Now would you want a country that openly supports terrorism to have a NUCLEAR weapon in their possession? I sure don't. The people of Iran don't want or war either, nor do they even like their leaders.

    Consider the LEADERS of IRAN, the Mullahs (put in by the Ayatollah Khomeini before he died Mohammad Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president who DENIED the HOLOCAUST and said that 9/11 was FAKED. This caused 30 COUNTRIES to WALK OUT during a UN MEETING several years ago. He's openly threatened Israel again repeating the words of the late Ayatollah Khomeini. Still want someone like this to have a deadly weapon? Iran is threat to the ENTIRE Middle East, not just Israel. Most recently Hezbollah attacked the Israeli embassy in New Delhi INDIA, NOT ISRAEL and they were foiled in an attack against the Israeli embassy in Bangkok, THAILAND. See the problem?

  • Money makes the world go round.

  • YES.....and it sucks in this nasty nation

  • First of all, we kindly gave Sudam Husain a 24 hr time period so our inspectors could peacefully come into their country to find any nuclear weapons. He only allowed them into a certain section, so we were obviously wondering what can they be hiding. So he did not allow them to go in so we invaded them. Then we go to 2001 with the 911 attack; obviously we are going to war with a country who bombed and killed that many people. Al-Qaeda has been moving from Iraq to Afghanistan and that's why we were in those 2 countries but now we are only in Afghanistan. If you know how corrupt their government and country is you would be surprised. They have no freedom, voting is fixed for a favored outcome so we are there to establish a government. Learn your facts before talking about this country. I can tell you never had a good government class in high school, and I can tell you aren't in college. What idiot actually believes what this guy is saying. Just another reason to complain. Ahh Ignorance...

  • Your geopolitical views are rudimentary at best. We invaded Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction which includes chemical weapons not just nuclear weapons. The fact that Israel has nukes does NOT mean Iran can also have them. It is a little more complicated than, well they have them so I can have them. Also it's not just the US that denounces the Iranian nuclear program, it's the whole world.

  • MORE--now than ever History/foreign USA from 1945-2000 (Google)

  • A better question would have been are Americas politicians corrupt but to put all americans in that category is wrong

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