How does a Mac compare to a pc?

What are the facts that make one or the other better. So is a pc better then a Mac? If so what ways? Details and facts please


  • First of, this is a long drawn out question.

    This really all depends on the type of user you are.

    If you're a developer/programmer, most preffer a PC because of flexibility

    If you're a graphic deisgn major/ photoshop, anything that has to do with graphics a mac could be better.

    Notice I said could, because a PC can perform exactly the same and if not better than a mac on graphics, it all depends on the graphics card that is on the PC machine.

    MAC is a very aesthetically based machine, also to further your knowledge, MAC OS is an operating system based on UNIX, and all it has is a proprietary interface.

  • A Mac is a personal computer (PC). There are several Mac models available and numerous other brands of PCs all offering a range of models. You cannot have "Details and facts" with such a vague question. You will only get vague opinionated answers from people who do not have a clue what they are talking about (see above).

  • just the operating system. Spec wise they are the same.

    Mac OS is more locked down for simple and easy use.

    Windows is more open sourced which allows you to personalize it. Also more programs especially game run on Windows.

    It really depends on what you plan on doing and you price range

  • The other guys right, basically pc is a computer that you can do a lot of things on, including both work and leisure, thuss mac is a (in my opinion pointless) toy for rich kids.

  • this is obtainable to get viruses on Mac, its in simple terms not nicely easily worth the time of virus writers because of the fact the OS purely controls 20%-25% of the workstation inhabitants, they desire to hit the main structures with the smallest volume of artwork, so they aim abode windows. Mac is a workstation, its purely a diverse working gadget than the IBM form abode windows workstation. Mac limits your get admission to to classes via software builders not programing their classes for MacOS for the comparable reason that virus writers do not aim them.

  • Macs typically have fast processors but not are lacking in RAM

    and PCs just depend how much your willing to spend and if your going to build it or not.

    (If your willing to shell out the money and you don't want to build it then get a Alien Ware computer their stats are insane)

  • Duncan your a ******

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