how to do carpet measurments?

im totally rubbish at measuring for carpets so i asked a workman (who was working on my new home ) to measure my lounge floor and my dining room so he did and gave me these measurments LOUNGE= 15M2 .........DINING ROOM 14M2 !! What is this in foot ??? im totally confused :/ thanks


  • A sq meter has 10.76 sq ft. so your dining room has 14x10.76 sq ft.

    p.s. you might want to remeasure with the actual dimensions because carpet comes in various widths so you might be able to run one piece of twelve foot width instead of cutting and seaming a nine foot width to make up 10 or 11 feet.

  • Hi

    Normally carpet comes 12 foot if you're room is less than 12' the one way, buy the carpet 12 ft. by the longest length. In other words 12x 15 or 16 feet. How you figure the carpet is knowing which way you are going to lay the grain. If you are 12x15 you have 180 sq. ft, because 12x15=180sq. ft. now divide that by 9 and you get 20 which means you have 20 yds. because theres 9 sq feet in a square yard, which is 3x3 there is 9 square feet. So if you have a house that has 1800 sq ft. you would have about 200 yards. as a guess, but this would not be correct. So if you are buying carpet 200 yards would be a great example times 30dollars a yd means you will spend 6000 for carpet, pad, and installation. Hope this helps. Remember, this is just an example. You might have tile , vinyl, or another type flooring in part of that 1800 square feet.

  • Honestly, the best approach, is to take a piece of paper, and sketch your floor layout (the shape of the room) on it. Make a note of any doorways, and closets.

    Then just measure along the walls, and write it on the paper. The store will need to know how wide, and how long, the room is, and how big any closets that are attached to it are. If there are any steps to be carpeted, make note of those too.

    The carpet store can take this, and figure out how much carpet you need, and which widths would work best for you. For example, some carpets can be purchased in 12 ft, 13.5 ft, 14.5 ft, or 15ft widths....using a carpet that is wider than your room, will save you from having a seam installed (always a good idea). Putting a seam in a carpet takes practice and skill... some of us are better at it than others, so whenever possible, it's just better to avoid a seam, if you don't absolutely have to have it there.

    If sketching on paper isn't your thing, take some photos along, with the measurements - that's simple enough.

    I know when I'm looking to lay out a new carpet for someone, I prefer to see how the room is laid out, so I can tell if there are going to be any adjacent rooms or hallways with the same carpet. Because one of the 'tricks' to getting a really good, invisible seam, is to make sure the carpet weave is all running the same direction.

    One more tip -- keep any good sized extra pieces when its all done -- toss em in a closet somewhere -- this way, if you ever need to make a patch, you've got some extra on hand. I'll keep anything larger than 1ft x 1ft just for this purpose.

    Have Fun

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