Do Asians Not Age? (True/False)?

My friend told me that, "Asians age up to 18, then they look the same all the way up to like 60, they they get really old". I don't know if this is true or not. I've never actually noticed it, and I can''t be certain if it's true. All I've ever seen is the young, asian people and the old, senile ones.

I am wondering if this is true because I'm Asian, and my dad is 50, but looks 30.

Is this true?


  • false. everyone ages although there are some who age at different rates than others. because of the lifestyles some will age faster and some slower than average.

  • My Thai wife has aged quite a bit in the last ten years [ 32-42 ] but I could care less... she is a nice lady and thats all it boils down to of import. Still has great legs though - 2 of them.

  • White nerds/gamers/society rejects*/loners*/cutters gay adult adult males Asian nerds/gamers Harry Potter enthusiasts* loopy overaged perverts Lonely cat women <- i'm on my way Potty-mouthed youngsters* Insecure women (weight, face) with teen mentality* different ethnic minorities who're self-hating fat, indignant center elderly human beings Hipsters who hate fairly plenty each and every thing*

  • Its just less obvious

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