Do Australians find Canadian accents sexy?

i speak french or english as a 1st or 2nd lang bang because 75 years ago my family immigrated to canada. (hows that for history?) um i pretty much love traveling and culture and trying new things. ANYWAY! i'm going to australia and i'm pretty excited but i'm just curious..

i heard that it's one of the least welcoming countries?! lol i thought they'd be like "were having a bbq.....with shrimp.. or lobster or shark." i heard they don't throw house parties, let you crash and stuff.. prejudice? maybe! but thats WHY i'm ASKING :D

telll me everything. i'm going because the music scene is sicker than canada's like the presets, pnau, ladyhawk, tame impala and like TONS more. oooh and the shoppin is amazing (I HEAR)

and what there dollar compared to the canadian one.

1,00 canadian = X australian

Talk to me here, okay ! thank you!!! x


  • This one doesn't.

  • Yes, the Canadian accent is a little annoying. It's like American, but wrong, if you know what I mean. And Canadians know that people overseas will confuse their accent for American, yet still get so upset when it happens ??? You should have more tolerance. As an Australian, the amount of times I've had to put up with "throw another shrimp on the barbee, will ya..." . We don't even call them shrimps ! They're called prawns ! But we just smile. And no one drinks Foster's Lager either. But we do mostly all eat vegemite, which is very hard to explain. And Aussies love Canadians, you're like cousins to us, and we generally prefer them to Americans.

    Only about $1.08 on the Canadian to Aussie, which is pretty poor. Shopping can be good at factory outlets, but I doubt it's better than the States. Maybe for surf wear, and young designer stuff.

    Use to have parties all the time, all over, but in the last ten years, a violent bash and knife culture has developed. And every party gets on the net or texted and gets gate-crashed. You can still have fun, it's not all bad, but the great, easygoing, fun times of 10 years ago are over. Sad really.

  • Well I happen to love Canadian accents and canadian people!

    Your dollar is stronger than ours with $1 getting you $1.08aus and I recommend you go to Melbourne if you want to go shopping. We have the best shopping centres, markets etc in the country.

    If you want to come for the music there are heaps of festivals etc that go for 2-3 days or awesome nightclubs that are open till 7 in the morning (Sydney is the best place for nightclubs but again Melbourne is pretty great too).

    As far as the people, well, I think we're pretty nice!!! We love tourists and you'll no doubt make a friend for life especially if you hang out at the pubs. You might even score a place to stay for a few nights :)

    I dont know why someone would tell you we dont throw house parties. We'll celebrate anything and invite anyone.

    Let me know when your in the country and you can hang out with me. I promise you'll never want to leave....

  • i'm an American woman. stay removed from me. purely kidding. that's a music you already know? i like to type with a British accessory. I won't do it now because of the fact i do in comparison to making a buffoon of myself on the internet on a regular basis. i think of in case you have the ultimate suited individual speaking any dialect or accessory could be sexy. For American/Canadian... think of George Clooney ooooh! or Matthew McConaughy.. ooooh or James Earl Jones.... tell me they don't get you steeaaamy... Sharon Stone.. Alicia Keys... Janet Jackson See, sexy is as sexy does, no count number the geography.

  • Personally, I think the Canadian accent is ok not sexy but ok.

    I glad you're excited to be visiting us. I hope you have a great time.

    We don't have shrimp we have prawns.

    We don't have lobster we have crayfish.

    We don't normally bbq shark.

    We normally bbq steak, lamb chops and sausages.

    Today $1 Canadian is worth $1.06 Australian.

    It changes slightly all the time.

  • Um well Canadian accents sound the same as the US but i have hears a few minor things different the best shopping city would be Melbouren best music.. probs Sydney Melbouren and Brisbane.

  • First of all Lady Hawke's from New Zealand.

    and I extremly dislike the canadian accent. It's so annoying and alot of people also think the same. But you may come acroos the odd Australian who happens to like it lol. Australians are like everyone else. They can be assholes, predjudice, kind, caring. They're all different.

    So yea have a good time.

  • im an aussie and i kinda find canadian accents annoying

    but thats just my opinion

  • Probably not unless you have a french accent. Cuz nobody likes ABOAT for about just kidding.

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