Do South Koreans view North Koreans as:?

culturally similar?

linguistically similar (yes they both speak korean i know. but have the langs changed since the division in pronounciatin, word choices, accents, etc)?

ethnically similar (are they all still "korean" or is the south and north distinction always made?


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  • Hmmmm.....the answers to your questions will depend on who you ask. As a non-Korean, I can say this. Ethnically and culturally, a Korean is a Korean and there is no difference from north and south in that regard. However, they have developed very differently along social lines of course due to differences in economies and freedoms. The languages of course are the same, however, the dialects are different. Most South Koreans will spot a North Korean as soon as they open their mouths to speak. In some cases, the North Korean will be discriminated against by the South Korean. Additionally, when writing, North Koreans use pure Korean (no Chinese characters) while South Koreans use both pure and Sino-Korean in their writing and speaking. Those are just some examples.

  • They are the same race, and many families were broken up by the North isolating itself from the world.

    They speak the same language, but the North, and Sino Koreans are easy to spot since their accents are different than those of the South.

    Many if not Most of the South Koreans would like to see reunification, but without the slave state communists having a part in the government.

    The only real concerns from some in the South is the fact that the North is very poor and trying to bring them into the modern world would almost bankrupt the South.

  • They are the same race

  • Brothers and sisters, we are the same people

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