Precalculus problem help?

I need help with the following problem:

Find the average rate of F for: 2.2< than equal to X < than equal 6.1?


  • Rate-of-change denotes a derivative, or slope.

    2.2 ≤ x ≤ 6.1 defines the domain of a straight line segment and the slope of a straight line is zero, so

    Average Rate = 0



  • Average rate of change is just the slope of the line connecting two points. I'm not sure I understand the question.

  • Ok--I along with Cameron, don't understand the post. You've provided the x values but not the F(x) values which are needed...

    to get the average you need [F(x2) - F(x1)]/(x2-x1)... so you supply the necessary values and you have your answer.

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