Coby tv says no signal?

Okay today i got a Coby 22" TV, cable works fine, and Xbox works fine. But when i try to use my computer it loads Windows XP Loading Screen and Once it goes to log in Screen it goes to No Connection, i Can press down and Enter and i can hear it log in and it says no connection Its getting me vary mad that every thing else works Except the computer. I really need some help the VGA cable works perfect on my E machine Screen but for some reason it wont work. HELP


  • First some questions:

    -Is the computer a laptop? If so make sure the external VGA output is enabled.

    -What happens when you boot the computer in safe mode? Perhaps the video output is set to a resolution that isn't supported by the Coby.

    >I really need some help the VGA cable works perfect on my E machine Screen but for some reason it wont work

    What does this mean? Is the "E machine Screen" and laptop screen or another monitor?

    >Once it goes to log in Screen it goes to No Connection,

    This points to something changing on the computer's output. Figure out what changes.

  • put new batteries in your tv remote before trying anything else - worked for me, hope it works for you also

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