Why do emos think hitler is a emo?

his hair is right to left . emos hair is left to right ! . hitler didnt like black but he had a black car ! he never waste time or look like a emo ! he talks more than a emo . come on you emos get a life


  • wtf?? i hav never EVER heard of that b4 lol its effing funny but i doubt hitler was emo. even if he did cut himself, that dosnt nesessarily make you emo

  • Wow! You are messed up! Hitler was as emo as it gets! Seen his hair for one, classic emo. That moustache, is the definition of emo. Plus he got all EMOtional and killed a massive percentage of the Jewish community and anything who wasn't emo (e.g. Dye their hair blonde and had a gay fringe) You sir, must be a chav, you all be dead if Hitler had successes! Cus he was against Burberry

  • They think he is emo because its a well known fact that Hitler was a huge Rites of Spring fan.

  • I don't think that dumb a$$ "emo" sub-culture existed back then but maybe they think that he's one of them (why they want to claim him...I've no clue) because he committed suicide, lol.

  • Some peolpe say he was because he was Jewish and he had a super-hate against the Jews.

  • I would say the better question is.. Why are you defending Hitler?!

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