How do Cancer guys flirt?

I have a huge crush on my guy friend who's a Cancer..I'm a Taurus myself, and I've heard that we're one of the best matches. :)

I was wondering, how do they usually show their interest towards girls. This Cancer guy I'm talking about is kinda hard to read mostly because in the past 2 years we've been living in different cities and the only way to communicate with him is via Facebook and Skype. So far, I've noticed that he likes talking to me but never says Hi to me first unless he has something really important to say to me. I have the feeling like he's embarrassed to talk to me for just no reason. He has liked many of my Facebook photos, he sometimes flirts with me pretty heavily, he copies my taste in music, in movies as I can see and he never misses to say happy Birthday to me or congratulate me on some holiday, including Valentine's Day. I really think that we are a great match and I can see a future with him but he's sending me a lot of mixed signals (for example he disappears for a month and don't talk to me at all) plus we live in different cities which is hard so that's why I'm asking this question. How do Cancer guys usually flirt?

Thanks in advance!


@Dimple I just described our situation now. We've been friends for the past 10 years, we know each other very well. You reread what I wrote and come back if you have something nice to say.


  • Cancer guys can be really shy and if you think of a crab, how does it approach things? Sideways, never head on.

    Taurus and Cancer is supposedly a very good match but that's just Sun signs but it is a good start never the less.

    Let him know "you" are interested in him, that's if he doesn't know by now, and then see what happens.

  • If you expect a cancer to make the first move then you're in for a long long wait..

    You're going to basically show him as much as possible that you like him and make the first move of sorts as cancers usually wont from a fear of rejection. : )

  • You seem very young. My.concern see a future with a guy who is not in your vicinity and who has "liked" your pictures on facebook. Please reread what you wrote with a rational mind.

    Edit:.I wasnt trying to be rude at all. I am only telling you whats key for a working relationship. But who knows. Good luck.

  • Sending mixed signal is actually their flirting technique

  • YOU make the first move

  • we share a whole lot of affection and respect --- good luck

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