Does parliamentary democracy work in Canada?

Provide a full explanation please!! Five stars!! I need this for a final project for civics!!! Please help ASAP!!


  • Yes, for the most part. there are a few bumps but usually settled peacefully. A losing party would never ever act the way the childish Democrats are in the U.S.

  • An organization called Transparency International maintains studies of corruption in 176 countries. Canada ranks 82/100. This is a measure of how honest the govt. is, how responsive it is to the people, etc.

    82 is higher (less corruption) than the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, and France.

    So yeah, I'd say it works pretty well!

  • The way you worded your question only requires a yes or no answer.

    The answer is yes. Canada is not the only English speaking country with a Parliamentary Democracy.

    England, New Zealand and Australia also have a Parliament.

    What you should have ask is "HOW Does a Parliamentary Democracy Work?"

    It is complicated and would take to long to explain.

    Basically you have Political Parties and the People vote for a single Representative for their Area.

    The Party with the most Representatives elected forms Government and the Representative vote among them selfs who will be Prime Minister (head of government).

    Parliamentary democracy, democratic form of government in which the party (or a coalition of parties) with the greatest representation in the parliament (legislature) forms the government, its leader becoming prime minister or chancellor. Executive functions are exercised by members of the parliament appointed by the prime minister to the cabinet. The parties in the minority serve in opposition to the majority and have the duty to challenge it regularly. The prime minister may be removed from power whenever he loses the confidence of a majority of the ruling party or of the parliament. Parliamentary democracy originated in Britain (see Parliament) and was adopted in several of its former colonies.

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