do you like this prom dress?


  • I do like it but you would need to try it on first. Depending on your body type it could look really unflattering. What kind of body type do you have? Also what colour hair and skin colour do you have?

  • to tell you the truth that dress is not something that i like. but im not one of those people who go out and buy the designer clothess and think they look good. so i really dont like the dress. BUT if you like the dress that is totallly up to you and i think that i would have to know your body type to think it might look good, cause it might actually look good on you.

  • cute but a little 2 old for my opinion

  • i think of prom dresses as big poofy princess dresses.. not that one but i do like it just not for prom

  • Not really my style, nut yeah it's cute

  • seems too fansy you should go with something more traditinal

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