How do you Seahawk fans feel?

Of course you're all happy with the win but how does it feel to win by a wrong call ?

Packers lineman tweeted this

TJ Lang ‏@TJLang70

Any player/coach in Seattle that really thinks they won that game has zero integrity as a man and should be embarrassed.


@Dganon, I'm not a Packer or Seahawks fan.. My team is 3 - 0 and kicked your team to the ground few weeks ago, just sayin.


  • i dont know what to feel. lol it wasnt a rightful win of course it was an int by jennings, yet its a win for us. ill just move on and feel like it didnt happen and get excited for next week. the refs sucked! they played the seahawks AND packers both

  • Well given the fact that it's a win for us. Still early in the season just like the other guy said, Packers and their fans would of done the same thing if they were in our shoes. And we got screwed, we would of won the game if it was an INT or not if the refs wouldn't of called the Phantom PI on us giving the Packers another chance to get a TD. But would Packers players/coaches/fans admit that? No way.

  • If I were a Seahawks fan Id be happy. A win is a win is a win, who cares how you get it when it counts the same in the win total.

  • I am kinda happy for them since they got robbed BAD in the Super Bowl a few years ago. Other than that, I hate seeing a team get robbed. Rodgers is a class act. I dont know how he was so calm in the press conference.

  • Seems the whine may overwhelm the cheese supply.

  • I feel ******* awesome. My team's 2-1 and yours is 1-2.

  • I dislike seahawk fans.

    They get one win and their talkin superbowl.

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