Driver's License?

Does anyone have any good tips for me? I already passed the written part and all I have left is the driving part. Any tips are helpful.


Thank You everyone who answerd, I passed this morning with out a problem at all!!


  • Practice parallel parking. I failed that and had to go back and retake it.

  • First of all stay in a relaxed mood. When you enter the car check the visibility you have! adjust your seat and mirrors. while you drive keep keep both hands on the steering wheel, take a deep breath when you feel nervous. do not speed!! and read the signs, remember the rule yield the right-of-way. Any time you are not sure what other drivers are going to do, let them go first. for the rest you will be fine just be relaxed, and be happy of getting your drivers license

  • ive had my P's for a few months now. if you've never driven before start driving up and down your driveway, then around the block doing left turns. When you get good at this start driving around in a small quiet town with little traffic and work your way up from there.

    Also i found that McDonalds cappuccinos helped me feel really alert and concentrated.

    Oh and for the cabin drill thing in the learners book: doors, handbrake, adjust seat, adjust mirror, controls, seatbelt. Remember it as an acromym - DHAMCS. I can still remember now it wont leave me alone!

  • It all depends on where you're taking it. All places are different...for example, all I had to do was go around the block, back-in, and do a 3-point turn.

    Basically, al the advice I can give you is to just do everything that you are supposed to do. Signal, check mirrors, etc.

    P.S. also talk to the instructor a lot. I sucked up to my instructor and I passed! HA!

  • practice a lot! I took my test last month and I failed because I didn't practice enough. Make sure to signal a lot and go under the speed limits.

  • Relax. I would get a video game and a controller that has a steering wheel and brakes.

  • Make sure you don't speed, obey all the signs and make sure to signal early enough.

    Good Luck

  • Relax, pretend your out crusin' with a friend or even mom or pops, just don't get all stressed out, you really won't do well if that happens.

  • make sure you always keep both hands on the steering wheel at all calm...Make sure you put the emergency on when shutting off car..

  • what state? If your in Cali, all i can say is dont hit anyone. And if you do dont kill them, if you kill more than one and/or run a stop sign you fail. good luck.

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