I'm so desparate- please help me!?

I'm 5'5" & 144 pounds (early twenties). Till about 3 years ago I was slim.

I badly want to lose weight. Specially the tummy fat. I went for walking for about 1.5 months but I did not lose a gram. I'm so worried. And because of this I'm unable concentrate on my studies.

Please give me some advice to lose some weight before next January (before my best friend's wedding).

Thanks a million.


  • if its your tummy fat your concerned with do 5 sets of 10 situps and 5 sets of 10 crunches. carry on with your walk but try to exercise in the morning as this highers your metabolism and this stays fairly high and drops slowly meaning you burn more calories. try to cycle if you have a bike and stand up while cycling as this tones the thighes. cut down on carbs and if you want to get a small set of weights as the more muscle to body fat percentage you have the higher you metabolism will be meaning youll burn more calories. goood luck=]

  • Eat smaller meals and avoid second helpings.

    Stay away from processed foods (tv dinners, boxed meals, already prepared meals, etc.)

    Stay away from soda pop (even diet soda as it tends to make you more hungry)

    Avoid white foods such as sugars and flour.

    Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat far less meats and avoid fried foods or foods with sauces on them.

    Snack on raw veggies, fruits, and nuts instead of chips, candies, and pastries or cakes.

    Drink plenty of purified water and try green tea (go as light as possible on the sugar).

    Eat small and more often.

    Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep a day any less you will probably retain weight but will lose weight with 8 hours or more.

    Make it a point to walk more even if it is parking far away from buildings and take the stairs (when possible) instead of using elevators.

    Walk more, ride a bike, lift weights, swim, or get involved with a sport that you like. Dancing can be a great form of exercise. They have some sort of game that kids are losing weight from....I believe it is called Dance, dance Revolution.

    Try not to stress and don't feel quilty if you forget to do something that you should to lose weight just pick up from where you left off the next day.

  • You need to eat healthier first of all. Then you should walk, get a pedometer walk the first day then see how many steps you took then the next day try to get more even if you have to dance in your bedroom! It works. Then do some push ups, squats, lunges and ab workouts.

    Good Luck!

  • Weight depends on what you eat. You tried walking but did you watched your diet? or you were eating more!

    its in all your food and how much you spent after eating your food. its a simple equation.

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