Do you have a dress code for your home school - I'm serious?

I home school and my husband works long hours so it is normally just me and the girls at home. We dress very casually unless we are going somewhere or someone is coming over. A friend says that is not conducive to learning and that I should make the girls dress as if they were going to school. What do you do? Any thoughts?


  • We work better if we get dressed. Nothing fancy, no uniforms. It just means we're up and ready to do things, not lounge around. Other people work fine without getting dressed. As with everything, everyone is different.

  • Our dress code is simple. You get dressed down to your shoes. No pajamas. No bare feet. Our reason for it is simple as well. We are ready to leave at a moments notice. There is no last minute search for shoes, or fighting to get the children dressed. It's more of a Flylady thing than a dress code.

    Your friend is out of her mind if she thinks clothing has anything to do with learning and education. Education has nothing to do with what is on the body but what is in the mind.

  • dress codes are for a reason. you like gang contributors struggling with in school over a rattling colour? every physique donning gang colours in school and understand they are gang colours must be suspended. those young toddlers must be shown they don't run the faculties. And in case you think of not permitting your toddlers to placed on a definite colour will impact them emotionally, then that's in simple terms too previous due. they are already screwed up. faculties do not want gang banger wannabes. in the event that they desire to be a gang member, they don't look to be there to study besides, just to sell drugs or disrupt.

  • You know what, it sounds like your 'friend' has issues with you home-schooling at all and is using this ridiculous school uniform idea as a way of telling you that s/he disapproves. "Not conducive to learning" {snort} what utter twaddle!

    No, we absolutely do not have a dress code, well, not beyond requiring that my 5 year old does actually wear clothes of some description ;-) oh, and if she wants to climb trees I now insist on long trousers or leggings to minimize the scratches.

  • We do not have a "dress code". Our children are taught to dress modestly, no matter where we are, or who is with us. As far as your friend telling you casual dress is not conducive to learning, I honestly think your friend needs to stay out of your decision-making. Does she homeschool her own children? If so, then she should understand how differenly we all homeschool, and how kids learn in all sorts of ways- not just sitting at a desk or table all day in their "proper attire".

  • Does your friend even homeschool? She's way off the mark. We don't stay in our pajamas every day, but my kids put on whatever they're comfortable in. Dress codes and other unnecessary things are one of the reasons we are choosing to homeschool. I have no interest in reproducing the school environment in my home.

  • I think your friend is absurd.

    We are sometimes known to do lessons in pajamas and even swimsuits. Most of the time we are dressed, but not in any uniform/code.

    When we go out for a class or field trip, we usually wear homeschool shirts that I made, or polo shirts with khaki pants/skirts. It reduces the amount of questions we get.

    Being comfortable is conducive to learning. We are educating our children, not playing school. Continue to educate them as you see fit.

  • I like the youtube vid that claims the homeschooling dress code as 'No nudity allowed'... but we can't use that here. I have a two year old streaker. Eh... our dress code will just have to be... um... "No nudity allowed *after the age of five". :) It hasn't hurt our ability to learn at all. Just our ability to get to activities on time as we realize we have to dress the little ones... again.

    ETA: Excellent point, firebird! I'm sure she does have more problems with your school than what you are wearing.

  • I really don't get your friends way of thinking. Most days are like today around here. DD and are I both in the classroom in our PJs. I would say if anything that getting dressed as if one was going to school would interfere with her learning. She is physically very comfortable in her night gown and being barefoot. Why add the distraction of restrictive clothing and shoes?

  • I think it is up to you.But I know with my little ones they do better when they are dressed,hair done and ready for their day.Everyone is different and you need to do what works for you and your children!

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