Is PayPal Dangerous To Use?

What happens when you donate money to someone, what type of information do they get? Do they get your:

-Real Name


-ZIP Code

-Phone Number


Or any other type of info?


  • I have never had a problem. You can link PayPal to your bank account, and your ID for anyone you want to pay is your e-mail address.

    If you want to donate money to someone it makes more sense just to send them a USPS Money Order. Don't make things more complicated then they have to be.

  • Paypal is a very safe method to use for online payments, but I would never recommend DONATING money to anyone you don't know or trust, no matter what method of payment you are using. Any form of payment online has the potential to be risky, so make sure you use well known websites to buy anything online, and make sure you print and keep any receipts and email confirmations when you purchase a product. Like I said, it's one thing to buy from a seller online, say through Ebay or Amazon or Etsy... it is a completely different beast to start thinking about donating money to an individual or organization that isn't a well known or trusted source. Make sure to verify who you are actually donating money to before you decide to donate anything online. Good luck! =)

  • Paypal was created to be safe. Safer that giving out your credit card info

  • It appears very secure. Maybe you should not donate to someone you don't trust.

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