How is Pashmina made?

I am interested in understanding the process of how pashmina is actually made.. Just curious to know.. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Hand made using fine-quality goat's wool

  • The Pashmina Wool is too delicate and it is about 14 to 16 microns thin because of which it cannot be spun by machines. A skilled professional spins the pashmina fibre with hand and he hardly spins about twenty grams of pashmina a day. It take about 15 days of man effort to spun pashmina to make one pashmina shawl This spun pashmina is then hand weaved with the help of a loom to make it a Pashmina Shawl. This Shawl is cleaned and hand dyed to the specific color required with the help of natural dyes. At the end the fringes are hand twisted and knotted to give the pashmina an elegant great finish. Quality assurance is conducted and only approved Pashmina are shipped for delivery. Overall it takes about 200 hours to make a Pashmina shawl.

  • Pashmina and Cashmere is a very fine wool which is harvested from goat hair. It is treated and woven into sweaters, scarf's , etc. Very soft, very warm, very expensive.

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