FBI desktop Message ....Is This A Prank?

A Few days ago, i returned from my computer to find a strange message, it was entitled FBI and a few lines on text which went something like this....."You are guilty of the possession on illegal music and movies. Please delete all of them or we will carry out Actions Immediately"....I Found this very strange because i don't have downloaded songs in my hard drive, and also it came with a .gif picture of the FBI Seal...My Question is..Has anyone ever seen this..and if so. Is This a Prank? And if it is a prank, how is it possible for someone to put 2 files into My Computer without my knowledge?


  • probably a virus. fbi doesn't contact you through a computer message. you might have someone who hacked into your computer. start running virus scans if you haven't already.

  • This is a prank, or a virus. Just delete it. and for the person that told you to delete any music that you have downloaded, and when the fbi does come t o your home you can sue them. LOL @ this response. For one , even if you did download music and deleted them by the delete button, You will still have what ever you downloaded on your hard drive. The only way to delete anything from your hard drive is to use a soft ware called soft ware, file shredder. This soft ware will scrsamble up the codes that make up the files, to where they are un readable. The message is not a thing to worry about.

  • Hello.

    Sorry, it seems like you have a virus, scan your harddrive with a virus scanner before it takes over your harddrive.

    If it was the FBI they would:

    1. Come to your house and would not give you a warning, unless ur under 18 I think...

    2. They wouldn't actually put a seal on your computer if they did hack into it to check it out..

    You don't have to worry just remove all the hacked files and keep virus scanning!

  • No, and it is a fake. Ignore it. The FBI does not contact individuals initially regarding pirated music; it's up to the record companies to do this. Technically the FBI could serve you with a written record on behalf of a record company(ies). But, this is extremely-- EXTREMELY-- unlikely to ever happen to an individual. Things like this usually happen to large websites distributing massive amounts of pirated music.

    Ignore, but save, the message. You're not entitled to respond to it as it is an electronically-sent notice and not on physical paper. Thus, it could be a fake and not responding is taking security precautions to protect yourself.

  • If you've ever DL'ed music illegally then delete any known existence of it but if you have really NEVER DL'ed any and the FBI really does come knocking sue them for false charges.

    If you think it's a joke you should probably run a few virus scans and be weary of things you click on such as- ads and your e-mails. Also the websites you visit.

  • Sounds like a prank, would guess someone with direct physical access to your computer put it there. If it wasn't possible for someone to directly access your computer then you may have a problem with a piece of spyware or a virus.

  • Its a prank that has been going around for a while. The FBI wouldn't warn you they are on to you, they would just come & arrest you. & I doubt they would use a gif either tbh

  • Dear Armand,

    I am affiliated with a highly trained military organization. Federal Bureau Investigations. We have noticed that you have downloaded illegal songs. You need to delete them in the next twenty-four hours. If you fail to delete them we will have to use force. Your time starts now.......

  • yes this is real you need to delete all the kiddie porn on your computer and hide at a friends house so they cant find you and burn your fingerprints off too

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