Can you transfer pictures FROM your computer onto a memory card using a card reader?

I have an SD card for my camera, and I always delete the pictures off my camera after I put them on the computer because my memory card doesn't hold many pictures, but now I want to put the pictures back ON to the memory card, so can I do that using an SD card reader? (Digital Concepts SD card Reader)


  • Yes. I do it all the time. Put your card in the card reader and if it doesn't open automatically (or give you an option to "view files" on your card, then you will have to go to My Computer and search for the drive that represents the card (Mine is E: ) Once you find the drive, open up the folder and the folder that has the pictures you want to put on the card. Copy the pictures from the computer file to the card file by dragging each picture from one folder to the other.

    Double-check to make sure that it worked by removing the card and reinserting it. View the folder on the card to make sure the pictures that you wanted on the card are there.

  • Yes you can but it might not be a good idea since some changes may have taken place to the photo files on your computer. Your camera would let you know by telling you that your memory card is corrupted.

  • Yes. There's nothing preventing you from reading or writing data from or to a memory card. The computer sees it just as another storage device. However, if you place photos onto the card, it's very common that a camera won't recognize it and you won't be able to preview it on a camera's LCD. Cameras aren't designed to be playback devices, so this sort of problem happens very easily and quite often.

  • That's what it is for.

    The problem is, your camera will only display unmodified pictures that it took itself. Copying out then back it constitutes modification already (but you can always try).

  • You can put them back on the card, but take a look at the card's folder structure - there'll be a folder called DCIM, and maybe other folders underneath using a naming convention based on the date. Make sure you put your files in the right place and you should be fine. And get some more SD cards :-) !!

  • Sure you can... I just did it.

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