Is my mom paranoid...?

She's always telling me to keep my voice down because "the walls are thin and people are listening" as she ALWAYS says.

We just got into an arguement because she's going back to work and she couldn't even tell me what job she wants to go for because she says she doesn't want anybody to hear where she's going (not even me). It took about an hour of argueing but she finally told me, except that she wrote it down on a piece of paper.

I think something is wrong with her.

I know that there are times when people don't want to speak out in the open (or loud) about their personal finances, etc. but this is not the same thing. She has been acting like this for years. When we're talking, she makes claims that people are listening through the walls, and whenever she hears people talking in our apartment hallway, she claims they're trying to listen to us. She's constantly telling me to keep my voice down, and it's not like I'm an extremely loud person or that we live in a hostal violent neighborhood or something.

Is this a paranoia problem? I don't know how to describe it except that she is constantly trying to hide things. I have to pull information out of her, which is very stressful because I'm her daughter and she should be able to speak to me simply instead of acting the way she does.


  • Hi - well, it's clearly not 'normal'.

    People who are Depressed are very very noise-conscious; it could be that.

    It could be that she is correct (in some small way); nosy neighbours ARE listening, and she is a naturally private and quiet person.

    The other option is indeed a form of Paranoia. Sadly however, this cannot be diagnosed here, only by a trained professional, and the starting point there would be her own Doctor.

    You COULD telephone her doctor and ask to speak to him/her after surgery hours in confidence; the doctor will not be able to actually discuss your mother WITH you, but he/she will be happy to listen to your concerns. That might be a good start.

    Good luck to you both.

  • She should have her blood checked to see if her potassium is off! To much or not enough potassium cause hypokalimia or hyperkalimia. Look it up on Watch what she eats and see if she is eating correctly. The body needs fuel like a car needs oil.

    She does sound like she needs some help that you can not give her.

    Seek help from another adult you trust that she may listen to...

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