What is digital? camera, remote control, etc.?

I want to know the meaning of digital camera, remote control and other things.


  • In photography 'digital' basically means 'not based on using film'. All IT functions are digital, that's the way modern systems work, so a digital camera records its images electronically and encodes the information digitally. Similarly a remote control sends a stream of digital information to a device to make that device change function. 'Digital' means a system based on zeros and ones - so a function is either on or off; the beauty of digital systems is that thousands or even millions of those on/off decisions can be transmitted or stored in less than a second, so even something as complex as a photograph with all its tones and colours can be digitized.

  • A digital camera is one that records an image digitally into 1's and 0's via an electronic sensor (as opposed to a film camera, which records an image on light sensitive film). Software in the camera enables the data to be viewed as a visual image.

    A remote control (for a camera) is simply a means of triggering the shutter, either physically via a long cable (wired) or wirelessly via an infra red or radio signal.

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