How do you connect to a server computer?

I have complete clinic software on a desktop computer running windows xp with all of the information and everything in it. Well i want to be able to connect multiple laptops that are running xp and vista to that program so when i change something in the program on either the laptop or the desktop, it changes for all the other computers. But i dont want to use like vnc or anything like that. Is there like some sort of server way that you can do? Please help. Thanks


The software is called "complete clinic software"


  • i agree with craig... while posting a qustion the name of the software helps just in case someone is fimilare with your software he/she can tell you exactly what you need or if it is possible or not.

  • That depends on the clinic software. A server does not make software do as you want. It is an operating system just like Windows XP. What makes the software do as you want is the software itself.

    Check the software. It will tell you how to set it up for multiple laptops (if it is capable). If so, you can bet there is a cost associated with it. If it uses a database like SQL, it will probably require you to purchase SQL Server (which in itself, is very expensive).

    In any case, if your software isn't designed to do as you ask, it is probably set to be used by one person only. If you set it up any other way, you run the risk of losing data. Unless only one person accesses the software at a time, VNC won't work either, because the software will have open files. It will deny write access to everyone else.

    Since you haven't told us what software you are using, this is probably as far as we can help.

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