Compaq processor fan?

Is it normal for the processors fan to blow throughout my time I am online? Or is it fixing to blow? It is only 6 months old and I would like to know why the dumb thing blows because I never had one that the fan comes on during the time behind the moniter.


  • A fan has moving parts so it's not uncommon that these tend to fail at different rates which is dependant on how and where you use the system....

    Since the system is 6 month old, it is still under the 1 year warrant... Call HP and ask to setup an appointment to bring it to a service depot.... They can most likely fix the problem within hours ( if you are lucky)....

    Now most big system vendors do not have the fans installed on the processors. This is not always the case.... But the fan is on the chassis of the computer.... If it fails, your processor could fry itself and this becomes more costly to repair...

    Hope this helps...

  • you mean by spin therefore creating a draft of some sort?

    or blows as in KABOOM there goes your computer kind of blow?

    if it is the first one, it is perfectly normal

    for the second one, run out the house A.S.A.P. and call the bomb squad.

  • What the hell did you just say? Seriously, you need to work on your grammar. A lot.

    Sounds normal, though, but I'm not really sure what you're talking about.

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