Why is April Fool's Day a holiday?


I mean why is there a day dedicated to pranks


  • It is not consider a holiday. The schools are open all court houses are opened and their is regular mail delivery. So therefore it is not a national holiday.However some consider it a holiday because every one likes to play practical jokes on their friends.

  • It's not considered a "real holiday" just a day to play pranks on people.

  • It's not a holiday, but a time of celebration, as it did mark the New year for some peoples

  • well it happened after the calenders changed. the christians had just started to use the gregorian calendars, but news travels slow, and some people still celebrated the old new years, april 1st. those people where called fools.

    also the pagans celebrated new years on april first, too.

  • Because someone got drunk and made it a holiday.

  • it's a fool's holiday only

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