Passar para o inglês urgente!!?

Galera, a professora pediu que traduzíssemos o seguinte texto para o inglês, e, confesso, não sei nem pra onde vai! Quem me puder me ajudar, agradeço. É extremamente urgente!

"Trata-se de um estudo a respeito da filiação socioafetiva no qual se buscou desenvolver o conceito, elementos caracterizadores, situações presentes na legislação brasileira aptos a caracterizar este tipo de filiação.

Depois de fixado o conceito, buscou-se na doutrina brasileira autores que trataram do tema, fazendo-se um grande levantamento nos grandes civilistas brasileiros, notadamente os mais modernos.

Por fim, pesquisou-se na jurisprudência dos principais Tribunais de Justiça do país que versaram sobre o tema, culminando pela análise de decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, órgão constitucionalmente incumbido de dar a última palavra sobre a legislação infraconstitucional, no âmbito do qual já foi tratado e reconhecida a filiação socioafetiva."


  • This is a study about the socio membership which sought to develop the concept, characteristic elements, situations in the Brazilian legislation able to characterize this type of membership.

    After you set the concept, doctrine sought in the Brazilian author has handled the issue, making up a large drawdown in major Brazilian civil, especially the most modern.

    Finally, research on the jurisprudence of the main Courts of Justice in the country which relate to the theme, culminating with analysis of decisions of the Superior Court of Justice, a body constitutionally mandated to give the final say on legislation infraconstitucional Scheme, which already was treated and recognized the socio membership.

    palavras como "infraconstitucional " fica dificil né? rsrsrs

    Boa sorte.

  • use o "google translator" e se a professora não gostar diga para ela enfiar onde lhe pareça apropriado.

  • This is a study about the socio membership which sought to develop the concept, characteristic elements, situations in the Brazilian legislation able to characterize this type of membership.

    After you set the concept, doctrine sought in the Brazilian author has handled the issue, making up a large drawdown in major Brazilian civil, especially the most modern.

    Finally, research on the jurisprudence of the main Courts of Justice in the country which relate to the theme, culminating with analysis of decisions of the Superior Court of Justice, a body constitutionally mandated to give the final say on legislation infraconstitucional Scheme, which already was treated and recognized the socio membership.

  • "One is about a study regarding the socioaffective filiation in which if it searched to develop the concept, elements caracterizadores, situations gifts in the Brazilian legislation apt to characterize this type of filiation. After fixed the concept, one searched in the Brazilian doctrine authors who had dealt with the subject, becoming a great survey in the great Brazilian civilists, notadamente most modern. Finally, it was searched in the jurisprudence of the main Courts of Justice of the country who had turned on the subject, culminating for the analysis of decisions of the Superior Court of Justice, constitutional body charged to give the last word on the infraconstitutional legislation, in the scope which already it was dealt with and recognized the socioaffective filiation"

    espero que tenha ajudado...

  • " One is about a study regarding the socioafetiva filiation in which if it searched to develop the concept, elements caracterizadores, situations gifts in the Brazilian legislation apt to characterize this type of filiation. After fixed the concept, one searched in the Brazilian doctrine authors who had dealt with the subject, becoming a great survey in the great Brazilian civilists, notadamente most modern. Finally, it was searched in the jurisprudence of the main Courts of Justice of the country who had turned on the subject, culminating for the analysis of decisions of the Superior Court of Justice, constitutional body charged to give the last word on the infraconstitutional legislation, in the scope which already it was dealt with and recognized the filiation socioafetiva."

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