Do most real Rabbis agree with Carl Paladino?

Carl Paladino Sunday told Hasidic Jewish rabbis in Brooklyn that he does not want children "brainwashed" into thinking it is OK to be gay.

"My children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family," the GOP gubernatorial candidate told a group of 50 rabbis in Williamsburg. "And I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option. It isn’t."

A text distributed in advance by one of the hosting rabbis, and labeled as Paladino’s prepared speech, included a statement that Paladino did not deliver: "There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual."


It's not complicated at all. It is, in this world, one of the least complicated of things!

Update 3:


The good of the people is not served at all by tolerating the 'gay' lobby's successful program of brainwashing youth and the youth culture that homosexuality is a good, and whitewashing the huge lifetime negatives of that sexual behavior, and in ignoring and discounting the long established and good social taboos against it.

Not speaking out firmly against homosexuality is akin in our times to stealing and slaughtering your neighbors best livestock to feed your own pigs.


  • I am certain that most people would agree that being part of mainstream America is much less stressful than that of a homosexual. Most probably the Rabbi's would agree with Paladino's stance on the subject.

    I do believe we should treat all people with respect, and not dwell on their sexuality.


  • The views among Rabbis vary greatly depending on whether they are reformed, conservative or orthodox.. I think Paladino found kindred minds in the Hasidic community with that message.

  • i do no longer care one way or the different. Paladino replaced into being attacked and compelled by capacity of the reporter who's clearly biased and attempting to wreck his credibility. he's not doing the comparable with Cuomo.

  • I don't know, and I really don't care who agrees or disagrees with this man. It is one man's opinion,, people.. he is entitled to his opinion. It is much more dangerous to try and force him to feel any other way.. he will not change.

    In my opinion, I think he is wrong.. but his thoughts do not affect me in any way. We have got to, as a society, stop trying to force our own belief on others. If he wants to think Gays are wrong.. let him. who cares.. he is insignificant.. this forcing of ones ideology on another just because we think we are right is stupid.. nothing really changes it just goes silent and festers.

    I would rather see my enemy face to face than have him stab me in the dark?

    The one thing he complained about that I kind of agree with was his criticism of the :"Gay parade" While I think it is wonderful that they march and celebrate who they are.. I think just maybe they could tone it down a bit.. all the hugging and kissing and carrying on by some.. the outrageous costumes etc.... kind of makes them open to some kind of criticisms.. Lots of people and groups and organizations have parades.. but unless you are a circus.. you do not have to act so silly. Not if you want to be taken seriously. And while I am happy my kids understand homosexuality and think nothing about it except they are people.. I do not like my 7 year old asking why those men are kissing on the street.. a hug, fine, even a little kiss.. but some of that heavy stuff.. shouldn't that be left for the bedroom. Note: I would not approve of it in a heterosexual parade either... sometimes things are just not appropriate.. and not because of who you are but because of where you are...

    Other than that.. celebrate on.. everyone!

  • I used to work occasionally in West Hollywood, California. Composed almost entirely of elderly Jews and young Gays, they seemed to get along pretty well.

    I've been wondering why Paladino is deliberately offending a powerful voting block. There's more here than we have enough information to fathom.

  • No, they don't....fundamentalism in any religion is destructive and hateful. So, go ahead and give me TDs for telling the truth - I have noticed that here on R&S, no one wants to hear the truth; they just want to hear what they already know and agree with. Bottom line - TDs and for that matter TUs are useless because most of the time it's not done because the TDer or TUer thinks the answer is factually incorrect; it's done to just dis people because they don't believe what you do or because they do believe what you do.

    Actual questions - interrogative statements designed to test knowledge - are very few and far between.

  • Some branches of orthodox Judaism would probably agree, but the vast majority of Jews are not orthodox and would not agree with Paladino.


  • answer: no, the majority of rabbis would not agree with the oppression he advocates.

    He proves that he should not be a politician as he cannot separate his religious beliefs from what is good for the people and the civil rights of all.

  • He was delivering that speech to an ultra-Orthodox sect which are very populous in certain pockets of NYC, but the vast majority of American rabbis are not Orthodox, much less ultra-Orthodox, so they would not agree with such an offensive statement.

  • The short answer is, it's complicated.

    The long answer is, it's very complicated.

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